Anyone play Ark on xb1?
Anyone interested in playing official pvp, we can team up. I'm big in another server (can't tell you which one
), but I can transfer a bunch of stuff to start a new tribe in another server, and if you earn my trust you can come to our main server. If you're not on xb1, you can get it on PC/PS4 as well, but I can't help you on those.
Here are a few screenshots to give you an idea of what it's like:
Moving a rex across the Island
Killing someones tames that raided me
Painting that same guys base pink (trying to make him quit)
In one of our bases
From a big raid
Inside one of my solo bases
One of my new friends (if you get caged and cared for you can't leave the server with your high level character
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 05:36:18 pm by TNT » - THPS Modding Xbox 360, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, PC, and more!