Joseph and Garvy was a student and become a pro skater but he turns out he wants to be a streetfighter.
Young Garvy Du
Young Joseph Lo
When they get older, they fight each other in Def Jam Fight for New York and Fight Night Round 2
Joseph Lo vs. Garvy DuJoseph Lo and Garvy Du in Free-For-All[/b]
Garvy Du vs. Joseph Lo in Fight Night Round 2This time Joseph Lo vs. Garvy Du as one of best friends into boxing, Garvy is much stronger in this match with his power.
It's for the old school boys graduate college, then go on skating, them fighting, them boxing.
Garvy Du faces the othersBobby Lkio vs. Garvy Du Garvy make his punches and his powers but Garvy always use his head again that not right. Garvy doesn't get the rules before prevent for a kill.
Mr. Lever vs. Garvy Du Garvy never follows the rules but Garvy just will get a kill shot but why he keep using his head all the time? Garvy is hard-headed guy.
Joseph and Garvy want to become a boxer but great for fight for their skills.
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