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Messages - DarksunMaster

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Hello My name is DarksunMaster and today I am asking how to create Custom Skaters for Tony Hawk's Underground or THUG,

Well whenever I opened the blender for anything, always but always via the import and export options and I found these options ...

And Export ...

Well I already know how to create skaters for the THUG2 now I want to create for the THUG, but then what is the problem?

the truth is that I have no problems with the import / export of and for THUG, my problem comes after exporting, well suppose I want to replace the Iron Man, which is a Secret Skater, His "Model" Files are in: "C : \ Program Files (x86) \ Activision \ Tony Hawk's Underground \ Game \ Data \ models \ Skater_Secret "

After replacing the .skin and .tex (the model and texture respectively), I am going to test the game to see my new skateboard but when I enter ... I see that Iron Man is still Iron Man!, This is one of many cases, Also and tried with Tony Hawk (all his files, those of Cutscene, those of Pedestrians and the playable model) without success, until he deleted the Iron Man files but somehow it continues to be shown, then, where are the real models of the skaters? and what are those in the "models" folder for?

Well then if you know the problem I have or have any suggestions, it would be helpful if you comment on it here or you can leave me a link to a page that explains how to do it correctly. Thank you for reading ;).

ok, in skate selection there is an option called "Make Custom Skater".
With it you can make any skate in the game (including custom ones) become the current custom skater.
well here is an example of how it works :)

oh by the way, this option is used more to adjust
the scale of the custom characters, as well as give them a name, although you can also adjust other options friend:):):)

well thanks. :) :) :)

Well I have seen many people requesting this file, including me, here you have a file in mega and mediafire, if any of the links fall, you can let me know so I can repair it...



oh,Thanks for the advice ThAEm!:)

Thanks Friend, I hope it also helps other THPSX users.

Good evening, sorry for the inconvenience, but there is someone with the "Weight_transfer_skater.blend" I mean the base skeleton for the custom characters for THUGPRO, I have already searched the entire forum, without Tobago, all the links to download it are down , so I can not disregard it, if there is Someone who Has this File, it would be a great help for me to Compare it to myself Continue with my First Character. ;)

(I had certain problems with the publication, so I had to divide the publicity in two, disupce because of the problems caused,I couldn't put what the screen says because the forum editor was bugging)

Well the last image is for those who can't find the in, that hard to deal with a problem out of nowhere,I salute Larxia and everyone who worked hard to bring us these amazing maps :) :) :) .

Greetings to All, My name is DarksunMaster and today I come to show you a discovery on the Famous Map of Larxian Washington D.C.

What I discovered is that there is a "Secret Room" in the aforementioned Washington D.C. and there are many curiosities in it, but well, how can we get to it?

At the beginning of the level there is a White building, right where we appear, if we look to the right of us and then upstairs we will see that there is a window that does not fit in place, right?

Well we've already seen the place, right?, and you'll be wondering: How do we get up there,,Activate the lunar gravity cheats, then start jumping in front of the window (which is above), when it gets to the window itself, we'll get through it and we're already the room where the most interesting is the big screen of the room that says the following :

Other Games / Re: The Sims 4
« on: June 03, 2020, 01:53:06 pm »
hahahaha bring me old memories in the sims 3 and 2, what a shame that 3 is "broken" and now I only have 2 (both 3 and 2 were Ultimate Collection with everything)
and I am lazy having to download 19 GB and they will be thinking: "you complain about downloading 19 GB When the sims 4 Ultimate Collection weighs 29 GB"
what happens is that my internet is "Toaster" level and already, slow.

I still remember my reaction to seeing a deer in town (Twinbrook)

Or when to discover one of the five hundred references to sims 4 in sims 3

oh my old memories, Now I want to download the sims 3 Ultimate Collection again, Thanks for giving me one more reason to download the sims 3 Ultimate Collection again

See you later.

Create-A- / Head Radio (GTA; LCS) - GTA Radio Project
« on: May 31, 2020, 03:52:17 pm »
Hi, I'm DarksunMaster and today I come to show you my project of Head Radio from Gta: Lcs, the idea of this project when I saw the project of the user Strapped4thrash With his "Soundtrack: LCHC Radio from GTA IV (main game)", I really liked the Radio since I played GTA IV and the radio I really liked, Credits to him for the great idea, Here his Project:

Well, back to my radio, it is Head Radio with all its music and snippets of ads and with the participation of DJ Michael Hunt, here the link:

To install, download everything in the folder (the "Head Radio MP3 (LCS)" folder is not necessary, but if you want to listen to the music without advertising, you decide), then put the files "Head Radio (LCS) .Sound.Json "and" Head Radio (LCS) .Dat "in the" User "folder of" THUG Pro ", now put the" Head Radio (LCS) "folder in the" THUG Pro \ User \ Data \ Music "directory, when you enter In THUGPRO go to options, then music options, when there is, go to Choose SoundTrack and select "Head Radio (LCS)" now
make sure that the play mode is Random, if it is not, change it to Random, if not, the radio will not be coherent, Now enjoy Head Radio !.

If you like it, I may make another Radio from another GTA, if you have a question, don't forget to ask.

Create-A- / "Los Angeles" Map Comparison THPS3 Vs THPSHD
« on: May 31, 2020, 01:20:41 pm »
Hello, DarksunMaster called me and today I come with a `General Comparison of the map" Los Angeles "by Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (2001) With his version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD (2012), well let's just think once.

Before anything you have to know that the comparison of the map was made with the PC version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Likewise the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD With its PC Version, The Final Purpose of the Comparison is to inform, without profit.

To start the comparison, let's compare your previews and unlock ways,

The preview of Los Angeles (The screen in the upper left corner of the image) is located in the extreme northwest of the level from the point of appearance, very close to the cinema, you can also see the Purple tower and some cars, the level It is the seventh level of THPS3, to be unlocked after obtaining at least one bronze medal in "Skater Island".

As for the HD, the preview is very similar to that of THPS3 but this has been moved a little more to the left, so that the cinema is no longer possible, now the Purple tower takes its place, nor are the cars THPS3, How much the unlock mode in the HD, is a dlc level, that means that to have the dlc, it will be unlocked immediately, along with Canada and Airport.

Well now we will see the starting point of the level, in both games it is the same place but we are going to see the same, Notice: most of the differences that we will now see will depend on you, since most of the differences are graphic, if you find one difference not listed here, please leave your difference list in the comments.

HD: The same, but different.

Now the Roof where you can jump onto the highway.

HD: Now there are traffic cones here!

The liquor store behind the car wash.

HD: Now they covered the windows of the store.

The Plaza below the highway.

HD: You now have a blue colored part and a decal.

The water source near the start of the level.

HD: Now the little trees are palm trees!

The famous car wash of the Havgas company.

HD: The icons are smaller and the pillar is not broken.

The stairs in front of the fountain.

HD: The same! Note: the van on the right hand side is not parked! It was just passed by there and now!

The Cinema, Nice isn't it?

HD: Now the cinema only shows two premieres instead of four and the film "THHD" is also going to be released.

The Highway ... Now destroyed.

HD: IT'S THE SAME, only foggy.

The Secret Box or Secret Area, Whatever you want to call it.

HD: The same as always!

Well those were the most notable changes I could notice, if you noticed something I didn't see, you can list and blah blah blah.

Other changes were: the traffic vehicles are different between the original and the remake, lacked pedestrians, in the original version the highway after being destroyed, a car hanging, while the HD nothing is left are some of the differences, maybe make another comparison with THPS2 maps As School 2, Thanks for watching, bye

Hello people how are you, I hope well

Well today I come to ask if anyone knows or has a tutorial on how to create a Custom Skater for THUG 2 / Pro,Well, if you want, you know if I have the necessary programs to create a Custom Skater,there is and has.

(1) Blender 2.79b with "THUG Tools", "THPS Scene Export / Import" and "RederWare importer / exporter for GTA III / VC / SA" extensions

(2) THPS3 (PC, N64, PS1), THPS4 (PC), THUG (PS2, PC), THUG2 (PS2, PSP, PC) and THUGPRO

(3) Windows 10 x64

ok, if anyone knows, can you for a forum that explains about the topic or can you leave a tutorial right here, good evening :D :D :D

Noire It works well,What you mentioned about the hair is barely noticeable, good job imported this character that, in fact was my first custom character In Left 4 Dead 2, Here are some Screenshots.

Alright I've got it into the game, thanks for the links.
It was pretty simple but the hair and skirt will have a few issues, otherwise it's good.

Thanks for the character, I know there is a lot of work on this, I hope you can complete the others soon.

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