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Messages - Chatter

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Site General / Re: Added Custom Level Uploader
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:02:27 pm »
Perhaps we could use this to create the missing THPS1/2/2x levels into THUGPro? If they are good enough, they could be implemented in an official update.

Whatever / Re: How are you gentlemen doing?
« on: February 08, 2017, 08:18:25 am »
Now look at this net.

Site General / Re: Added Custom Level Uploader
« on: February 06, 2017, 03:48:37 pm »
This is insane, definitely the kind of progress we need in this community. I would like to thank everyone who is putting in hard work to make/fix/test/share these maps and possibly other content.

Maybe at some point, a selection of those maps could be implemented in an official THUGPro update, to make them more accessible and show the players that stuff IS happening in this game!

General THPS(X) / Re: I need a clan.
« on: February 06, 2017, 02:52:51 pm »

I can't do this alone. I don't know what to try at this point either.

General THPS(X) / Re: I need a clan.
« on: February 05, 2017, 01:03:47 am »
Why join a clan if there's no tourneys or no one's making a team vid?

This should become a standard thing people do but Ive almost already lost all hope for a good community in this game.

General THPS(X) / Re: I need a clan.
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:29:27 pm »
I really, really want clans to become great again on THUGPro.

There's a few interesting things you can do with them
First of all, you can make teams in game (red/blue etc.)
-Combined Scoring TA/GRAF
-Combined KoTH time
-CTF is always team based.

A problem is the really small player base and the low likelyhood of attracting new players.
Another problem is the skill level of players. There's very few people who have about the same skill level as a few others, everyone kind of has their own skill level.

General THPS(X) / Re: I need a clan.
« on: February 04, 2017, 05:09:38 am »
That was very out of the  blue, leaving pretty much no info and not showing any signs of actually caring.

I've tried to look for proper clans and clan wars for months but let me tell you.

It doesn't really happen

THUGPro is kind of dead

Sorry to break it to you but I had to face it as well. I've tried various things to get this community to grow again, such as introduce friends to the game/forum, advertise the forum in game, upload an install tutorial on YT, request contests, etc.

But meh

Community Contests / Re: Theme Park Contest [Open]
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:58:07 pm »

Well,here's my coaster.It would have turned out way better if the game didn't have a rail limit.I didn't know it,but the map itself warned me i ran out of rail.

Download Park!

And here is the mascot

Download Skater!

I downloaded and played this, and I was very impressed! I'm especially impressed by people who can use the rail tool properly, I just don't know how people do it, my custom rails are the messiest thing ever. Overal, I was surprised how ''easy'' the requirements seemed all of a sudden, it seemed like you hadn't had to go all out, you kept it small, nice and proper, which surprised me and was very nice to see.

Community Contests / Re: Theme Park Contest [Open]
« on: February 02, 2017, 10:04:49 am »
Hey Wings. Here's an ironic message from Chatter.

I regret to inform you that I am not participating in this contest. I'm not very motivated to join this one, and it is partially due to the contest being overly complicated. It makes me feel shitty because I am that one go who'd do anything for stuff  to happen and redirecting people here and everything.


I saw the video Icebears made! I am very hyped, and curious what the documentary will be like.

Create-A- / Re: Modelling a level from scratch - Liverpool
« on: January 30, 2017, 11:51:12 am »
Very impressive! Keep up the good work!

General THPS(X) / Re: Favorite Graffiti Level: THPS1 on THUGPro
« on: January 27, 2017, 11:05:30 am »
Interesting...I guess Chatter was right in the other thread...same few people are the only ones who post regularly on these boards. 6 total votes on this poll but viewed 74 times...plenty of lurkers on here it looks like, but not many taking the time to actually post anything. :(

Relatable. Hence why I made the ''Dear guests'' topic a few weeks ago, advertise the forums ingame, etc. Where's our variety in posters? It can get a tad repetitive when Shut! is 50% of all posts and 45% of the other posts are regulars too.

Community Contests / Re: Theme Park Contest [Open]
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:44:33 am »
I want to find a way to advertise this (and the community/forum) in general, to maybe get something going again. (I feel like THUGPro and it's community are pretty much dead and nothing interesting happens, no new players joining, etc.)

What I do now is just tell people about randomly in in-game rooms, people get annoyed of that and they know me as that spammy contest advertising guy. I don't want to be annoying but I sincerely do want some sort of community to grow again.

Does anyone have any tips for me? Also, it seems like when I redirect people here and they DO make an account, they'll be on for an hour, make 2 posts, just to be never seen again. I feel like the top 10 posters will never change.

(insert sadness here)

General THPS(X) / Re: Favorite Graffiti Level: THPS1 on THUGPro
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:24:20 am »
Warehouse. It's a classic challenge to get all 20 tags in one run.

General THPS(X) / Re: Gamemode Ideas/Gamemode Topic
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:03:02 am »
About that battle minigame I mentioned earlier: Here's some ideas about it:

-Everyone starts in locations as far away from each other as possible, teamed players spawn together
-Everyone gets 100 health, much like firefight.
-You pick up boxes with powerups scattered throughout maps. (such spawn locations do not exist yet, of course)

Powerup ideas:
-Fireball: (like the regular firefight) A x5 variant and x10 variant (how many times you can shoot with them)
-Wheel: go a lot faster, like the hotrod manual but with regular riding
-Bomb: Thrown, has a blast radius of god knows how large, deals 20 damage. (possibly another variant which is bigger, and deals 40 damage)
-Shield: Protection from one hit (possible 2 hit variant)
-Spike shield: one time protection, also deals 10 damage upon physical contact.
-Sawblade: A sawblade starts spinning around your character for 15 seconds and deal 20 damage to anyone who touches you.
-Mines: Leave them on the ground for people to run into. Deals 30 damage and disappears. x5 and x10 variant.

If I get any more ideas I will edit this.

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