Pick the deck you want then go to \Tony Hawk's Underground 2\Game\Data\backup\textures\Boards and follow these steps:
- Pick what board you want to REPLACE. Currently no additional graphics can be added by the user (only devs could add these permanently to the game).
- Copy the name of the file you want to REPLACE aka "mu_metallica01.img.xbx" for example.
- Delete mu_metallica01.img.xbx or back it up first
- Paste the new graphic you want to use in, for example "almost_neon_sig2.xbx"
- Rename "almost_neon_sig2.xbx" to "mu_metallica01.img.xbx". Make sure that the file extension is .xbx and not just .img
done. You might have to dummy your files first if you havent. There's a how-to on the team-goat site with the files you need to do it.
Alternatively you can go to \AppData\Local\THUG Pro\data\textures\custom_boards and do the same steps as above while the game is running. Note that each launch of Thug Pro will overwrite the files again so this is just a temporary solution for recording but doesnt require any dummy files.
Also I should add that only you can see the deck, anyone else will see the original graphic (or whatever file they are using)