I would really love to see THPS1 The Mall, even if just as a custom level!
Call me crazy but I'm thinking like Crash Bandicoot levels with rails added, like the side-scrolling platformer aspect.
I mean kinda like the downhill level ideas, continually advancing through the level.
And the death pits are probably fun obstacles.
I'd like to see some classic levels/maps everyone knows but with obvious and non-obvious skatepark/thps additions.
For instance, like a Halo DM map with obvious additions to make it a skatepark.
I say this because I thought the DUST custom level was awesome but obviously it is not designed to be skated. I think it would be way more fun and people will not really care that it is not the same "exact" map.
I'm just thinking what is already 3D mapped that is easy to integrate here, videogames obviously.
Is there anyway to link this with google maps/earth?
That would be mind blown to skate my own neighborhood / favorite skate spot etc.
I don't know anything about 3D modelling so forgive me if this is dumb.
Can you just cut and paste different parts of THPS levels together?
I don't know for specifics but kinda like that one CAP tried to do, but this time it will be real.
Just for an experiment what about like taking THPS1 Warehouse and opening the wall to the left like in THUG2 Training level and just open it into like School or any other level for testing/fun purposes.
I'm just gonna throw some games out there for the sake of ideas:
-Medal of Honor (c'mon you wanna skate Normandy beach dday from frontline and grind the machine gun nests! Don't Lie!!)
-Donkey Kong 64
-Super Smash Bros? (some of the 1p levels too?)
-Morrowind (Balmora, Seyda Neen, Vivec, Ashlands etc etc)
-Tomb Raider's Mansion from Tomb Raider III (I think?)
-DOOM first level (not real 3D I know, so maybe not :[ ....)
-GTAs/TrueCrimes must have tons of 3D city maps
-Resident Evil (am I hi???)
-More FPS DM Maps (007's, Quake, Unreal, COD, Halo, CS, TIMESPLITTERS?
-Silent Hill (hi indeed)
-Aggressive Inline/JetSetRadio/MatHoffman/ATV/Motocross (check MX Freakstyle)
-CTR (crash team racing)
-Mario Karts (wii, double dash)
-Mario Party boards? like the over world game board map, not in minigame
I support 100% anything that is easiest and fastest for more content.
I kinda get it though, newer is easier probably but not so legal...
just my 2 cents