We knew THUGPro was going Downhill, but apparently the CAP editor really went to Hell too. I guess if they ever port Sewers from THPS4 PS1, we can finally say the mod has went to shit as well.
I'd love to see Sewers in THUG Pro. I guess these PS1-exclusive levels might get ported when they find a way to port THPS1/THPS2 levels, which is inevitable.
I'd like to have the PS1 levels too. But unfortunately. Demo never made his PSX documentation available to anyone (Including THUG Pro devs) and supposedly it got lost due to hard drive failure. So we won't be seeing those levels for a long time. But if THPS4 was on N64 where we have Lemmy's Video Debugger available. Then that would increase the chances.
Anyways. I can't wait to try out this update.