Fuck score challenge. I actually enjoy Firefight but nobody ever wants to play it.
Man I played KOTH the other night and my room emptied so fast my head spun. I'm still getting used to how people like to play online these days, seems very different than in the "golden years".
I enjoy Firefight, but I dislike how it's based on Surviving rather than dealing damage. This is frustrating for people who die early and are forced to do nothing but wait and observe. A survival based system also promotes camping and hiding. Also, on big maps like ELA, firefight can take too much time.
KotH is (one of) my favourites. It's unique, it's interactive, it's something everyone can play and get a fair chance at.
I shouldn't really talk about it here, as we have a Gamemode topic I made xD
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 01:11:39 pm by Chatter »
Sup, I'm Chatter. (HN.Chatter) my Skype is thedudecalledjoris.
My clan is HN. Henchness!
I'm always LF people to play with, also wanna join a clan some day and do wars/competitions and stuff.