Anyone remember those dance playmats you could game on?
I have one for GameCube, originally meant for Dance Dance Mario Mix.
I tried playing THUG2 with it, and it worked a little, just limited because it only has D-pad, A, B, Start and Z. I did manage to do a few cool fliptricks, bonelesses, manuals etc. It was pretty funny and felt weird to play, but I really wanted to share this xD. 10/10 would (not?) recommend.
Another note: Playing THUGpro on my pc (win7), my dualshock 3 controller works, apart from shoulder triggers and right camera stick, and on my Lenovo laptop (win10) everything works on my dualshock 3, except both triggers are treated as 1 button. I used SCPToolkit for both. I'm not interested to fix it, but it's noteworthy and interesting to me.
Sup, I'm Chatter. (HN.Chatter) my Skype is thedudecalledjoris.
My clan is HN. Henchness!
I'm always LF people to play with, also wanna join a clan some day and do wars/competitions and stuff.