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Messages - boxMAN29

Pages: 1
Create-A- / Re: THPS Soundtracks for ReTHAWed - DOWNLOAD
« on: July 25, 2024, 01:50:16 am »
Can you make versions of these for THUG Pro?

Questions & Tutorials / Chunky Kong DK64 skater request
« on: April 08, 2024, 06:52:34 pm »
Ok, I've always wanted to skate as Chunky Kong from Donkey Kong 64 on THUG Pro as he's my favorite playable Kong in DK64 but I have no idea how to rig the model myself so that's why I am requesting.

If this ever gets done, please link it here.
Also, can this have a .SKA file for proper scaling?

Here's the model to use (need to log in or register on DeviantArt to download):

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Looking for something
« on: March 17, 2024, 12:28:29 am »
Ah, I hadn't realized the link had expired. I've uploaded it to the Vault now, though, have fun!

Thanks! It's a good thing you still had these awesome park recreations!

Questions & Tutorials / Looking for something
« on: March 16, 2024, 10:23:12 pm »
Does anybody have TheAwesomeFish's THPS2 Pre-made Parks CAP Pack? I would really like to have these addons but the download link to them doesn't work anymore, which was a MEGA link, any help will be appreciated.

Here's what I am talking about

I'm new to THUG Pro too

Pages: 1