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Messages - SlyCooperReloadCoded

Pages: 1
Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: May 17, 2024, 03:43:59 am »
I'd completely forgotten about this mod until recently, where another one was shown off that had level merging.  I see you've updated it, thank you so much!

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro Soundtrack: SSX On Tour (In-Game Playlist Version)
« on: November 07, 2021, 09:18:45 pm »
I actually made one of these a long time ago, and another one for the 2012 reboot game.  I just never thought of posting it here.  Good to see similar interests!

I know it might seem pointless, but I want to download older versions of THUG Pro.  However the "installer" just downloads the latest version, so grabbing an older release from the download page isn't an option.  I looked around, and the devs haven't made a GitHub page, so that's also not an option.  My only real hope is if someone has archived all the versions somewhere.  Is there a way to download older versions or are they simply lost to time?

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: October 10, 2020, 08:42:53 pm »
Well what do you know?  A new update was released today, so the mod needs updating anyways.

Edit:  the new update doesn't break the current version of the mod, it just doesn't have the new levels.

What's that supposed to mean?  I was only able to access it with the Fun Stuff menu mod since it can disable OOB scripts.  That's one heck of a secret if the only way to access it is poking around in the Viewer.

I also found a secret room in a Larxian level, but in Philly.  There's a proper warp into the building, but it's out of bounds for some reason.

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: October 07, 2020, 10:20:16 am »
Okay, now the mod refuses to work at all.  I've followed the steps EXACTLY hundreds of times now, it just immediately crashes.  Mod developer, please look into this!  Your mod is literally unusable!

Has anyone found this before?  You have to go out of bounds to see it, which is made easier by the Fun Stuff menu mod.

Questions & Tutorials / Loading unused levels on original Xbox
« on: March 19, 2020, 05:45:47 pm »
This isn't an average problem like the technical issus commonly posted here.

I have a softmodded Xbox and I can view the filesystem of each game I've loaded onto my hard drive.  While browsing through the files of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, I noticed that the Foo level is in there, as well as another unused one.

I've been trying to figure out how to load these levels, and I've already tested file replacement - instant game crash.  I know that a PC mod can load these levels, but does anyone know of a way to load them on an Xbox?  I can modify files if need be, just tell me which ones.

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: March 11, 2020, 11:18:08 am »
Okay, I had to reinstall the mod, but now launching the game causes a black screen then a "THUGPro has stopped working" message.  Doing a clean THUG Pro install fixes the issue, but as soon as I install the mod, this happens.  Does the mod need to be updated?

Edit:  I've narrowed down the problem - the issue is the "thugpro_qb.prx" file.  Keeping the mod installed but putting the original .prx back in fixes the crash but prevents the mod from working.

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: February 24, 2020, 06:51:40 pm »
Also, Manhatten and Cruise Ship crash when merged together, and they crash when merged with most maps.  I noticed that when you enter the first level then merge it with the second level, the grind points in the first level get disabled.

Selecting "Unload Level" and then changing the level also results in a crash.

Would it be possible to add an option that disables those bouncy invisible walls?  Disabling the OOB scripts gets you further, but there's still those walls that turn you around when you hit them.  I'd love to disable those.

Additionally, would it be possible to add a free-cam?  I remember someone finding one in THUG1.

Create-A- / Re: THUG Pro "Fun Stuff" Menu Mod
« on: February 23, 2020, 06:32:43 pm »
As of the most recent patch, several options such as "Remove Height Limit", "Enable OOB Areas", and a few others make no change to the game.  Removing the height limit keeps the height limit at its original height, and enabling out of bounds areas doesn't prevent the red text and warp back to the play area.  A lot of the options do work, just not the ones I'm interested in.

Edit:  I realized that I need to use "Disable OOB Areas".  My logic was that enabling the areas made them accessible.  Maybe change the text to say "Disable OOB Restrictions" and "Enable OOB Restrictions"?  Height Limit doesn't work either Enabled or Disabled.

Edit 2:  The animations menu is completely non-functional.  Selecting any animation just makes your board invisible and freezes you in place.  Yes, I installed this menu correctly.  However, using the menu to "Force Instant Bail" causes the rider to bail then do the animation I selected.

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Weird Resolution Glitch
« on: February 14, 2020, 11:52:05 pm »
Try setting a custom resolution instead of using the default ones.  The 1920x1080 preset makes the game display cut off, while a custom resolution of 1920x1080 gives a proper fullscreen.

I've been scoruing the internet of any trace of my issue, even posting on Reddit where - for the first time in my life - I got no responses.  Here's my issue:

For context, I'm following this tutorial:

While I was following the ENBinjector method, I realized that Step 11 can't be completed because "d3d9.ini" doesn't get created when installing ReShade.  Then I noticed that this tutorial used an older version of ReShade.  It says "ReShade_Setup_3.1.1.exe" however the latest version is 4.5.4.  I tracked down the old version and was able to complete the tutorial.  Despite me doing everything exactly like the tutorial said, it didn't work for me.  No ReShade.

I scrolled through the comments seeing if anyone else was having my issue - no one did, however one comment said that ENBinjector is no longer needed and all you need to do is "install the latest version of ReShade then go to your THUGPro folder & rename ReShade's "d3d9.dll" to "d3d11.dll"".  This didn't work for me either.

The only Google search results for "THUG Pro Reshade" are two tutorials which is one copy-pasted to two sites, and the Reddit thread I opened about my issue.  No information exists on the internet about these methods not working.  To be absolutely sure it wasn't an issue on my end, I completely reinstalled THUG Pro and did the tutorial from the beginning - no luck.  ReShade does indeed work with every other game and program I have installed on my computer, so the issue is confirmed to either be with ReShade, THUG Pro, or the tutorial.  Popular THUG Pro players like Byxor use ReShade with THUG Pro all the time, so it's possible but not for me.

Reddit seems uninterested in helping me, so maybe someone here can?

Questions & Tutorials / Re: How-To Guide: Get ReShade working with THUG Pro
« on: February 10, 2020, 06:55:51 pm »
This isn't working for me.  For one, I can't do the enbseries method because d3d9.ini doesn't exist, and Skater1014's method just doesn't work at all.  This thread and one other thread are the only threads on the internet talking about this, and no one on these threads are having installation problems except for me.

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