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Topics - jjakye

Pages: 1
Create-A- / I've made some thugpro billboards
« on: November 27, 2016, 09:24:16 am »
As said in the title, i got bored and decided to do some thugpro billboards because i really like the existing ones, i think they bring more life to the levels :)
If the developers want to use them in the game, go ahead! It would be awesome.
They are mostly from THAW screenshots so maybe they could be up when the American Wasteland levels are relased. (like when the thps3 update came) If not, maybe they still can please your eye here :)

Here they are:

Create-A- / THPS LOGO DECKS for THUG2/PRO by Jakye
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:26:26 am »

So i got bored one evening and was looking through some textures from thps3 and saw that theres a board with the games logo on it. I've decided to make an HD version of it.
I ended up making decks with logos for THPS1 to THAW.  ;D


-> How to install?

Before installing i strongly suggest backing up your textures folder located in the THUG2 directory in game/data/textures
just in case you want to revert back the changes :)

1. Copy the files from the THPSDECKS folder into the game/data/textures/boards folder in the THUG2 directory (not THUGPRO).
2. Copy the skaterparts.prx file from the PRE folder into the data/pre folder in the THUG2 directory.

That's it!

-> NOTE:

Unfortunately only you will see those decks because you are basically replacing the exisiting textures in the game. :(
The only way somebody else online will see the graphics is when you both have the same deck pack installed. Maybe in future versions of THUGPRO there will be an ability to upload those graphics so everyone could see it. For now, we just have to be happy just with that.

-> Download link:


If the link expires just message me and i will reupload it.

*Update (2 October 2016)
Replaced the THPS2 Logo with a more accurate recreation by AxlRocks.
Thanks man!

Pages: 1