Weird, doesn't seem to have avatars when sideways either, im placing my bet on the browser being a real mess cuz the mini version seems to work perfectly with the topic of signatures and avatars, just lacking the rich text editing thingy and stuff..
Also, i can't see the subject on posts except for the main one but it seems to work when i zoom too much! It becomes a bit difficult to read, tho, but it's not a biggie, actually.
Oh, well, im just going to try re-enabling avatars and signatures once more! I doubt it'll make a difference, tho.
(Also, kinda on-topic cuz of the mobile thingy, sorry to trouble EVEN MORE but is it normal that the reply button turns white, being an obvious white space that i know it is a clickable because of obviousness and that the reply button is supposed to be there?)
Geez this browser sure is an useful piece of shit... Reeal buggy! -w-'EDIT: I knew it, didn't work, re-enabling hasn't done a difference..
EDIT 2: Oh my, im starting to see more signatures!
Except for SK8.William's, lol
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 07:09:10 pm by ShutMeUp!!! »
"Winners never cheat.
And cheaters never win." -HooL (Quite a while ago)