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Topics - sk8ace

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THPS 1+2 / The demo is live!
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:24:57 am »
Here is our first play of the demo

General THPS(X) / THPS1+2 Suggestions!
« on: June 03, 2020, 03:26:27 am »

Check out the suggestions that have been posted so far and give them a thumbs up if you like it.

If you have any of your own suggestions you want added to the list, there is a dedicated channel in our Discord for them.


Site General / !!Server Migration!!
« on: June 02, 2020, 09:33:16 pm »
We are migrating servers

Any post made after this post won't be moved to the new server.

We will update when the migration is complete


Site General / Forum Theme Update
« on: March 16, 2020, 07:10:39 am »
I pushed an update to the forum theme to better match the rest of the site. You can still switch back to old theme in the Settings if you don't like this one.

Let us know if you notice any issues!


Site General / Creation-Details section added to the Vault
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:02:48 am »
Added a new section to the Vault.

Clicking on the Name/Author/Description in the main vault page will take you to a new page where you can Rate, Comment and post Changelogs (if you are the author).

You will see Comment notifications in the Manage Upload section if you receive comments on your upload.

More needs to be added but it is very functional now and styled up by Dode.

Site General / General option added to Vault Uploads
« on: September 04, 2018, 09:26:51 pm »
Small update today.

I added a General option to Vault Uploads. People have been requesting a place to upload custom decks and similar things so they can now upload them under General.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Site General / Updated Community Uploader/Uploads
« on: May 04, 2018, 05:11:12 am »
Hi all,

We just released an update for the Community Uploads.

1: The Uploader has been simplified. It should be much easier for everyone to upload new things.

2: Modified the Upload Manager section to make it easier to manage all of your uploads already on the list. It now supports uploading files with changed names (Example: > Download links will automatically point to the new file.

3: Added a sort option to sort by Recently Updated. When someone uploads a new file version, it will bump it to the top of the list while Recently Updated is selected in the Sort dropdown. 

Let me know if you encounter any bugs!


Create-A- / Side Scroll custom level for THUGPro
« on: April 08, 2018, 07:25:57 pm »
My side scroll level is uploaded now:

Calling it Beta because I believe there are some hidden bugs and I plan to add more to it in the future.

Here is a quick overview video:

Please report found bugs here or in the thpsX Discord.


Site General / New Site-wide Colors and Updated Uploads
« on: February 14, 2018, 01:33:36 am »
It was time for a change. We went with an overall darker theme. Feels easier on the eyes to me at least :-)

I just finished condensing all of the uploads (parks, skaters, custom skaters, custom levels) into one page with Filters and Sorts. Also added is some lazy loading images to make them feel a bit faster.

Download counter has been added for all uploads. Unfortunately, I can't go back in time and count all the clicks that have happened up to this point but they will register from Today - On.

There are more updates coming to the uploader page in the near future but for now, they should work with the new system.

Thanks to Dode for working his magic on the site theme!

Theme: Mini Golf

You must use the basic level template attached here.
Your level can be no larger than the width and length of the template(2,000 x 4,000 units).
Focus on a single Mini Golf hole design. That way, at the end of the contest, we can make one large community level out of all of the submissions!
I would suggest claiming your design ahead of time so we don't end up with 5 windmills. Make a post here to claim what you will make.
You can import premade objects to your level but you cannot use a premade level.
You can work with a friend but no more than 2 people per submission.
You must include the .BLEND file with your submissions. (Make sure the Textures are also packed).
Post the submissions to your thpsX Profile Blog page before the end date. (*YourUserName*) or post a link to it here.

The levels must be playable but we are more focused on the designs and creativity.
Proper Grind and Vert nodes are a must as well as player restarts.
Objects should be Graffiti tag-able.
Everything else is optional.

Judging Categories: Look/Design       0-10 points
                             Creativeness       0-5 points
                             Playability/Flow   0-5 points
                             Theme Accuracy 0-5 points

If you would like to be a judge, post here. We are looking for 3-6 judges total.

Prizes will be announced before the end of the contest.


Site General / Custom Skaters option added to Uploads
« on: September 07, 2017, 01:09:37 am »
You can now upload your custom skaters to the thpsx upload section.

Add your skater files to a zip/rar before uploading.

Site General / Discord
« on: March 17, 2017, 11:32:26 am »
Hi everyone.

Our discord is fairly locked down at the moment. If you'd like to join, please let us know here or in thugpro and we'll add you to the list. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Create-A- / Sk8-Maze-Ing Level
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:29:01 am »
Hey guys! I finally got everything I wanted done in my new created level.

It's fairly large and has a maze that you can try to get to the middle of. I also added some buildings and stuff.

Most things are able to be tagged in Graf and I also have Crown spawns working. Teams are good to go and so is CTF.

This is Version 1. You can expect new versions to come out as bugs are discovered. I will always update the Description when a new version is out.


Create-A- / Custom Level Ideas/requests?
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:28:42 pm »
Level options are almost unlimited now. Not everyone is going to get into making their own level. I figure we can start this thread so people can post up their ideas for custom levels.

1: Puzzle levels.
2: Racing levels.
3: Movie themed.

Site General / Added Custom Level Uploader
« on: February 06, 2017, 01:49:41 pm »
There has been a lot of progress with Custom Level creation on our discord channel by some very smart people. We wanted to add a place to host these levels that users make. It works exactly the same as the park and skater uploads with the exception of requiring a .zip file. Custom levels are also named the same as a "stock" level in thugpro. These stock levels are replaced with the new created level files while thugpro is running. You then load up the stock level that was replaced and the new user created level should load in it's place.

These are completely user generated. You can expect some things to be broken/not work. We urge uploaders to only submit levels that are complete and as free of bugs as possible. Also, if uploaders modify/fix a level that has already been uploaded, they should remove the old version and upload the new version in it's place. Most of us are not professional level designers.. but I would like to try to keep away from having a bunch of broken levels clutter up the upload section.

Thanks to all that have worked on making this possible! If you are interested in making your own levels, join the discord channel!

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