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Messages - Amanoo

Pages: 1
Questions & Tutorials / Re: [Other] - What I want in next THUGPro Update
« on: September 04, 2019, 12:18:39 pm »
I definitely think some tutorials or explanations would be a nice addition. Sure, there are YouTube videos, but I still can't figure shit out and I've definitely heard from others that they also thought those video tutorials were pretty crap. Including from people who have mastered those techs. Doesn't have to be a full-on storymode, but at least some in-game tutorials on buttslaps and boost plants would be nice.

Expanded CAS support would also be nice. A lot of really fun ones are replacements for characters, and can't be seen by anyone except people who have the same replacements installed. Although that might require some sort of moderation. I can already see certain types of people playing as naked women or large dicks.

I've also been having some problems with my controller. Now I do use a weird adapter thingy, but at any rate, I can't configure the game to use my dpad. In my OS, dpad is seen as both an axis and a button press. If I could just tell the game to use a button as a dpad press, it would work perfectly fine. That's all I need, to be able to press a button an dlet the game think it's a dpad. And maybe a GameCube profile, though I'm probably a little weird for using a GameCube controller for THUG Pro. It's probably a little niche. Oh well, I should probably use some controller remapping program to create a virtual controller for my dpad problem.

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