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Messages - Rozz

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General THPS(X) / Re: Screenshot Thread
« on: April 06, 2016, 11:57:47 pm »
My screenshots aren't freecam ones, but most of the time they're about random things that happen to me on THUGPRO, I wanted to share them since I always find them funny and somehow they never get old. :) Here we go.

How to help the community 101 with Mr. Snrub

How to love your friends 101 with Mr. Snrub (Again)...

Cooking with the community! (A big thanks to SMU for the screenshot <3)

Create-A- / Re: THUGPro Montages
« on: April 06, 2016, 11:20:08 pm »

and a little bonus clip that is on my unlisted videos.

Create-A- / Re: Teleporting with Freecam!
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:44:55 pm »
I find the weird glitch once I freeze myself when it hit zero, the glitch let's me skate anymore and get points in 0 seconds, that's kind of weird for me. ;D

I think you don't understand the point. The point that everybody is trying to MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND is that we shouldn't abuse the freecam feature to destroy, grief and delay games in this way. It's used for CINEMATIC PURPOSES, SCREENSHOTS and HAVING FUN. Not making others GET MAD AT YOU AND GIVE YOURSELF A BAD NAME OUT THERE. You don't want to be known as the kid that ruins games with the freecam and makes others wait an unnecessary amount of time until you get kicked or banned from the server.

The saddest thing is, you're the same kid that comments on YouTube videos of people making high scores with stuff like "Booooring", "I'm falling asleep". Or you're in games and you say in the chat how much YOU HATE WAITING FOR OTHERS TO FINISH THEIR COMBOS. So why are you making others wait and doing stuff that, an individual like you... HATES a lot?

Very good logic huh? Yeah, makes a lot of sense.

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