[THPG] [PS3] Explicit Soundtrack Mod

Offline ShOscar

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THPG Explicit Soundtrack Mod

This mod replaces all the songs in the PS3 version of THPG with explicit and higher-quality versions. The vanilla game uses 128 kbps MP3s. All the songs in this mod are VBR V0 MP3s encoded from FLAC. There are two songs in 192 kbps quality ("Disintegrate" and "That's Entertainment") and that's cuz they seem to only exist in this quality. All songs should also have proper volume levels calculated with ReplayGain.

In this Drive folder, you will see two soundtrack packs. One is the game's original soundtrack with all songs explicit and in higher quality. The other one, the "Extended Soundtrack", is the explicit soundtrack plus songs left unused in the Wii version of THPG along with "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam cuz why the hell not? These songs are also explicit and encoded from FLAC to VBR V0 MP3. This makes a total of 91 songs!

Installation instructions are provided in the ReadMe. You will need a program called GHSDK to install this soundtrack mod. You can get them here: https://gitgud.io/fretworks/guitar-hero-sdk

This was tested on an emulator. This might work on real hardware, but I'm not entirely sure. If you need help installing the mod, please let me know!

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