Greetings to All, My name is DarksunMaster and today I come to show you a discovery on the Famous Map of Larxian Washington D.C.
What I discovered is that there is a "Secret Room" in the aforementioned Washington D.C. and there are many curiosities in it, but well, how can we get to it?
At the beginning of the level there is a White building, right where we appear, if we look to the right of us and then upstairs we will see that there is a window that does not fit in place, right?
Well we've already seen the place, right?, and you'll be wondering: How do we get up there,,Activate the lunar gravity cheats, then start jumping in front of the window (which is above), when it gets to the window itself, we'll get through it and we're already the room where the most interesting is the big screen of the room that says the following :
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 12:12:39 am by Darksunmaster »
"Look, I don't know if this will work, but I think you should have a little more faith in yourself, if you do, I think everything will go a little better." - Darksunmaster