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General THPS(X) / Re: The Controller topic.
« on: September 14, 2016, 01:27:19 am »
Yeah, I've looked into the GC adaptor for Wii U and figured it could work on PC, but never got the chance to try. You'd also be missing some buttons like l2, l3 and r3 so it might not be ideal (although the originals were playable just fine)

General THPS(X) / Re: The Controller topic.
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:19:38 pm »
Hey Tomo, how exactly do you play with both Keyboard AND mouse? what do you use your mouse for in TH games?

General THPS(X) / The Controller topic.
« on: September 13, 2016, 09:14:53 am »
Hey community!

I wonder what kind of controllers you guys have played TH games with, what your favourite is and if there's any you don't like?
If you remapped buttons or edited keyboard controls, tell us about it! With what controls do you play your TH games?

I played with: N64, GC, Keyboard, PS2 and PS3 controllers.

I like all, but I defenitely enjoy GC most. It's what I used to play with all the time, all 5 TH games on the system (and some non TH games of course).
What I ESPECIALLY like about the GC controller is the control stick, the 8 direction caved plastic. This made it really easy for me to nail specials, frontflips and rolls, for example. on PS controllers it is hard for me with the control stick, so I use it's D-Pad.

The GC controller also felt really smooth for me, fits my hands really well, and I actually like the unusual face button layout.

I never expected keyboard controls to be great for TH games, but surprisingly, I could get used to them pretty well, and they felt pretty natural and controllable, although I still prefer controllers.

Nowadays I play ThugPRO with my PS3 controller, using the D-Pad to control rather than the analog stick.

Create-A- / Re: my thug pro combo video
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:26:45 am »
Could have* (sorry, can't stand that)

3 million is generally not seen as impressive, but it's all about personal goals and records, or just having fun.
Hey, if you're satisfied with the combo, so be it, that's good! Of course you can always try improving or finding/practicing new lines.

PS, some air tricks, like Indy 900, can SERIOUSLY help rack up points, which you could use because your points are low but modifier is pretty high.

Keep it up!

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Park creating contest?
« on: September 12, 2016, 06:10:18 pm »
I think making new ones would be more fair or fun, but we can't really check and be 100% sure of someone, I dont think I'd mind in the end.

General THPS(X) / What games do you own? (and favourite?)
« on: September 12, 2016, 02:11:43 pm »
Hey community!

I would like to hear what TH games you all own, and which is your favourite. Feel free to add personal stories, maybe you got your first TH game as a christmas gift and it changed your life, tell us about it!

I own:
THPS2 (n64) First TH I ever played, usually played it with my older brother when I was really young, like 10-12 years ago, it was one of my favourite games and I loved skateboarding ever since (although I suck at IRL skateboarding, I can only ollie and shuv)

Thps3,4,ug1,ug2,AW (GC) I first got a Gamecube for Mario Kart, (this was 2010/11ish) along with TH it's my favourite game series, and it was really cool for me, I managed to pick up all 5 TH games released for it for like 4 euro each, and I enjoyed every single one of them a lot. I played them in order from old to newer, so I experienced new mechanics everytime.

THP8 (PS2). This one is kinda special for me. I had a PS2 that I didn't play much, but I did want a TH game for it, I always heard the newer ones weren't as good, and this is my experience with that.
I did actually enjoy THP8 a lot, but I defenitely saw why it wasn't as good as previous titles and I never got THPG.

My favourite game has to be UG1. It was such a breaktrough for the series, so many new things were introduced and it defenitely felt more personal. Story was good, customization was amazing (thats what I loved most) and the walking mechanics were interesting as well.

Now lets hear it from you guys!

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Park creating contest?
« on: September 11, 2016, 07:43:05 am »
You guys are a great community!

@Sk8ace, a thread for this and an upload box would be great, maybe you could host the first contest. I would definitely be happy with that.

@others, thanks for all ideas, I hope you all will participate (or become judge) for the contest whenever it becomes reality. I'm pretty excited so far.

Create-A- / Re: THUG2 Getting To New Jersey (Without Any Mods!)
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:42:24 am »
Tried this on GC a while back, I usually froze the game but it was kinda cool to glitch out on the lip trick ramp thing in Canada. 10/10 would recommend

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Park creating contest?
« on: September 10, 2016, 08:28:55 am »
RTS as in Real Time Strategy? Those games are interesting indeed. You dont really need to be a hardcore thugpro player for a contest like this, you could just create a fun simple park and possibly do well, I think it would be fairly accessible to anyone who has thugpro, or even another TH game.

Can anyone think of a few themes the hosts/judges could do?

One I thought of was "parks from other games", inspires by Sattan who made the GTA SA skatepark in CaP

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Park creating contest?
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:34:11 pm »
TY for the feedback, I don't mind how it will be done, if anyone likes to do it, it just sounded like a cool idea to me and it might inspire someone to actually make a contest like this. :)

Questions & Tutorials / Park creating contest?
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:30:13 am »
Hello THPS community! What would you think of a park creating contest? Where we have a few hosts/judges of the tournament, who will assign a certain theme for a park, a given time, and possibly additional rules.

It could be a cool boost for creativity and bring us together as a community in more ways, it could also be cool for people who can't play well, but still like editing and creating. I don't think I should host this, since I'm not very organised or good at these things, but I would defenitely participate!

Contestants could show their park through screenshots or video, and maybe even do amazing combo's in the parks.

Maybe the winner can get the CaP shared somewhere, that could be a cool prize.

If anyone thinks this a good idea and could host, that would be very cool! Leave suggestions/feedback here if you want.


Questions & Tutorials / Re: Linux THUGpro wont start installing.
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:24:34 am »
Thank you for the answer, Canudo, and welcome to the forums :D. I've showed my friend your solution, idk if he's still motivated enough to try and get it though, but I do really appreciate all help.

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Linux THUGpro wont start installing.
« on: September 06, 2016, 03:41:07 am »

I'm by no means an amazing player of THUGpro, my tryhard combo's are usually around 4/8 million, my casual ones like 1/2. I mainly like chilling, free skate, chats, etc. I do like gamemodes though, just not the Trick Attack spam everyone does. KoTH, Scavenger, firefight and graffiti are my favourites. Goal attack is also really cool.

I'm not a bullshit troll, spammer, annoyer, bully or anything like that, I just like to have a casual fun time with friends. I understand you want to avoid those toxic people, even when it can be hard.
Good luck to you and your pc, I'll see when you hit me up!


Sorry for off-topic. I'm still thankful for all the help. I've let my friend read the responses, even though he's a bit annoyed it wont work, he will keep trying at his own pace. (he does admit Linux can kinda suck though, which I understand)

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Linux THUGpro wont start installing.
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:30:20 pm »
I'm down to Skype sometime this week, skype is thedudecalledjoris.

any fixes, support, and help will be appreciated, but fun is good too :D

Questions & Tutorials / Re: Linux THUGpro wont start installing.
« on: September 05, 2016, 02:45:16 pm »
Good luck sk8ace!

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