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General THPS(X) / Re: Gamemode Ideas/Gamemode Topic
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:11:00 pm »
I really love scav hunt. (Unpopular opinion! I know!) And I wish we could choose how many objects to place, as far as I know it's always 5 per person. Also we should be able to select a time for placing and for searching separately.

Create-A- / Re: THUGPRO Rio Car Duplication Glitch
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:09:09 pm »
Well I failed by not getting the vehicles duped. Maybe I set/goto at the wrong p(l)ace.

Create-A- / Re: THUGPRO Rio Car Duplication Glitch
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:30:01 am »
I tried (and failed). But I did notice, that if you use set+goto and spawn inside a vehicle, you end up standing on top :D

also, this level possibly has the easiest OoB ever.

General THPS(X) / Re: Screenshot Thread
« on: September 19, 2016, 02:31:57 pm »
Monkey Cage in Zoo PS4  :D with GoFundUrself

General THPS(X) / Re: Gamemode Ideas/Gamemode Topic
« on: September 18, 2016, 08:14:18 am »
I like the graffiti styled gamemodes, just a shame the original is pretty much just about scoring a ginormous combo throughout the map. The untagging game sounds better to me, since skill isn't in play as much (at least not combo scoring skills).

Oh yeah, I once made video's on my favourite TH songs. I planned to make a lot but lazy young-teen me only made 2.

They're not good by any means but some might be interested to watch, for me it's funny to see my opinions from years back :P

(PS, my opinion has obviously changed throughout the years, although I still like most songs, for example, `Aesop Rock - Labor`was nowhere to be seen on the first list, even though right now it

General THPS(X) / Re: Gamemode Ideas/Gamemode Topic
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:54:11 pm »
Reverse KoTH, aka Thundercloud from Mario Kart Wii?

General THPS(X) / Gamemode Ideas/Gamemode Topic
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:37:09 am »
Hey community!

We all know the gamemodes currently in THUGPro, but here's the list
Trick Attack
Scavenger Hunt
Score Challenge
Combo Mambo
King of the Hill
Goal Attack
Capture the Flag

There's also HORSE, but I don't think you can play it in THUGPro (yet)

If you have a cool idea for a new gametype/modified gametype, let out all your creative fantasies in this topic!

My idea would be a game similar to Battle Mode in Mario Kart, were you grab certain powerups to beat your opponents, it could work a bit like Firefight with power-ups throughout the map. I know it isn't very TH like, but it would be interesting to me, because of how you can manouver the maps, and the maps itself are quite different from regular ''battle'' games.

I think too many gamemodes focus on getting high ass combo's, even though I know that's the main focus of the game. I love ''different'' games, like KoTH or Scavenger hunt, and I wish there was more like it.

(ps if a topic like this already exists, show me it, and this can be removed, I admit I didn't check for a similar topic)

General THPS(X) / Re: The Controller topic.
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:15:34 am »
Anyone remember those dance playmats you could game on?

I have one for GameCube, originally meant for Dance Dance Mario Mix.
I tried playing THUG2 with it, and it worked a little, just limited because it only has D-pad, A, B, Start and Z. I did manage to do a few cool fliptricks, bonelesses, manuals etc. It was pretty funny and felt weird to play, but I really wanted to share this xD. 10/10 would (not?) recommend.

Another note:  Playing THUGpro on my pc (win7), my dualshock 3 controller works, apart from shoulder triggers and right camera stick, and on my Lenovo laptop (win10) everything works on my dualshock 3, except both triggers are treated as 1 button. I used SCPToolkit for both. I'm not interested to fix it, but it's noteworthy and interesting to me.

General THPS(X) / Re: This or That?
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:21:21 am »
Christ Air in PS

Rap in THPS2 or Punk in THPS2?

Create-A- / Re: my thug pro combo video
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:27:49 am »
Ps how often do you guys forget about lip tricks in combos?

General THPS(X) / Re: This or That?
« on: September 14, 2016, 05:14:12 pm »
Meth. (Although neither was TH related)

CaP or CaS?

General THPS(X) / Re: This or That?
« on: September 14, 2016, 01:33:17 pm »

Warehouse or Hangar?

General THPS(X) / Re: This or That?
« on: September 14, 2016, 11:41:06 am »
Nigel Beaverhausen (but but, this is about TH still, unlike the whatever section, right?)

Rodney Mullen or Tony Hawk?

General THPS(X) / This or That?
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:10:31 am »
Hi! Sorry in advance if this topic is pointless, but I think it's a fun little forum minigame we can do.

It's very easy, one person names a choice. For example: Airshuffle or Buttslap?

Then the next person answers, for example: Buttslap, then creates another this or that.

PS feel free to delete this if it's too pointless, I wouldn't mind much.

I'll start:

Pro Skater series or Underground series?

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