THUGPro Big Fat Custom Map Archive - Collection of Old Unreleased Levels

ShOscar · 3 · 13484

Offline ShOscar

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I present to you...

A collection of tons of custom maps made since 2017. This is an archive of over 8 GB of maps made over the years. Most of these were made before the custom content system was implemented into THUGPro. Because of this, you may need to REPLACE BURNSIDE to get a level working.

This is different from the Legacy Levels collection. For that collection, I handpicked levels that had an ounce of decent playability and made them compatible with the custom content system. Sure, a lot of them were unfinished, but you can still skate around in them with little to no issues. These levels, however, are untested, unfinished, unreleased, and possibly even unplayable. All here for the sake of preserving the history of THUGPro custom content. This archive is also a little disorganized, so be warned about that.

Enjoy! :D

Big fat thanks to SneezeTHPS and cWaLk.eX for hooking me up with these maps and collecting them over the years! If it weren't for you both, most of these would have been lost forever. I can't thank you enough for your efforts.

Ever seen a Pichu that can do 120 down the freeway?

Offline Iron Hawk

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Did you get permission to release some of these maps? Some of them I don't think ever got proper public releases in any shape or form. Might be worth asking the creators before putting their content up, just a thought.

Offline ShOscar

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Did you get permission to release some of these maps? Some of them I don't think ever got proper public releases in any shape or form. Might be worth asking the creators before putting their content up, just a thought.

I didn't really ask anyone for permission to release these maps, no. Cuz that would be a lot of people to ask, and that also includes people who aren't even in the community anymore. And I'm not gonna go and track down every single creator; that just ain't feasible. I just thought all these maps would be cool to make available for the sake of preserving the history of custom THPS levels. There's a lot of cool stuff from way back when that never got proper public releases and are in a somewhat finished state.

Tho since you did bring it up, there are some maps made by you that are in this collection. Would you prefer that I remove all of your old levels from this pack? If so, I can also remove your levels from the Legacy Levels pack I made about a year ago.
Ever seen a Pichu that can do 120 down the freeway?