[Other] - What I want in next THUGPro Update

neostetic · 20 · 25884

Offline mwb37

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I'm not complaining because I know the THUGPro team doesn't get paid for anything they do and they've done an incredible job on previous updates, but it does seem like they've mostly given up at this point.  It's been over a year and only one new level has been added.  Progress has slowed down a lot.  The community has shown what it can do with all of the new custom levels and characters that are available for download on this website.  Maybe it's time that the THUGPro team started outsourcing some of its work to other members of the community.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 10:56:09 am by mwb37 »

Offline thedodeman

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it does seem like they've mostly given up at this point.  It's been over a year and only one new level has been added.  Progress has slowed down a lot.
Did you not read the patch notes? Do you not understand that FAR more goes into this than just adding new levels? Will everyone be satisfied when all the levels are added from THPS1-Project 8? My conclusion is a resounding "NO!"- people will then want the Proving Ground levels all added, then why don't we add Ride, and Shred, and get those HD and THPS5 levels. That ain't good enough either is it? Nope, gotta get everything from Matt Hoffmann's Pro BMX 1&2...better be sure you add the cities from the Skate series...oh those Disney Extreme Skate Adventure levels have to be in there too.

My point being, it's never good enough. Doesn't matter how much is added, how hard the team works, it's NOT ENOUGH! I don't understand this mentality. How can anyone feel they deserve to make demands on something they are given for absolutely FREE that they themselves did ZERO work on? "Here let me buy you this cup of coffee"...You didn't make it Venti sized! You didn't add whipped cream! You didn't add enough flavoring!..."But I gave it to you free"...NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

The dev team has most certainly NOT "mostly given up"...and that's really insulting to even suggest it. Read the patch notes...lots of work went into this update.

Offline mwb37

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I was very impressed by the amount of content in last year's update.  A lot of minor changes were made in this year's update, but it doesn't seem like things have significantly improved.  I could be wrong, but it feels like the THUGPro team is trying to polish a finished product at this point rather than preparing for more significant future updates.  I'm grateful for what the THUGPro team has done so far, and it's their right to walk away from the project if they choose to, but I wish they would be a little more upfront about what's going on with them.

Offline thedodeman

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it doesn't seem like things have significantly improved
This makes it sound like something is broken and needs improving...is not the mod fantastic and does it not already give you WAY more options and features than vanilla THUG2?
I wish they would be a little more upfront about what's going on with them.
I won't presume to speak for them, but in most development efforts I have witnessed it's always better to under-promise and over-deliver. They may not share what is being planned for if they say anything they they are nailed to the wall about it. Sometimes things planned don't always work out.

I don't mean to make anyone the brunt of my frustrations with reactions from the community on updates, but I so tire of hearing these things. We, as a community, are entitled to absolutely nothing in regards to this mod. The devs do it of their own free will and they give countless hours of their own free time to provide this for us. That is more than good enough for me and I'm extremely grateful for any sort of update they decide to give to me.