« on: July 14, 2018, 10:33:14 pm »
i just wanna prefce this by saying that im not pushing for a new update immediately after one was released, nor am i asking the devs to implement these ideas anytime soon; im fully aware that this stuff does take time to develop and balance.
So, with that out of the way, ive been brainstorming ideas for content and features that could be added to thugpro in the future. stuff like new tricks/animations, new CAS and CAP pieces, etc. here are my ideas
*Ability to tag ground/more tagging spots in some of the pre-THUG2 levels
*Bert Slides
*Parkour tricks (wall run, wll flip front/back tucks)
*Create-A-Graphic mode, with parts from THUG2 and THAW
*ability to save tricksets for pros and secret skaters
*Ability to save and share high scores
*Ability to toggle the crter in Kyoto
*Arcade area in Santa Cruz
*Ability to Trigger Rain effects in THUG levels
*Toggle the broken bridge and animals in Zoo
I also have ideas for Tricks and CAP pieces, but I'd have to create separate Google docs for each list (dont even know if i can post links in the forums), but those are some ideas i had. if anybody has some ideas that theyd like to share, feel free to post them