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Messages - RainbowDash321

Pages: 1
General THPS(X) / Tony Hawk's Underground GBA Patch
« on: January 24, 2025, 01:35:57 pm »
Login to download this patch

I pretty much finished working on this patch.

Tony Hawk's Underground was released on GBA by Vicarious Visions and the most noticeable is that it's impossible to 100% legitimately due to broken codes by developers. This issue was never fixed in Tony Hawk's Underground / Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer double pack either. This patch aims to fix those problems so you can actually 100% this game. Unlike any other Tony Hawk GBA games, I removed the heath bar and area text names completely in Story Mode.

Oxygen Bar? gap: This gap is placed but for some reason it won't register because of Who Needs Oxygen? byte codes are affecting it. Now it works flawlessly.

Who Needs Oxygen? gap: This gap placement had problems. I adjust the coordinates and works fine.

South Lip gap: This gap is placed but wouldn't register because there's a byte code missing to activate it. I added the byte code back in the rom and works flawlessly. Hangar gaps check list order is fixed.

Buying Style gap: This gap does exist but the byte codes are messed up. I did got it work but only use the left ramp.

Puerto Uno gap: This gap does exist but the gap coordinates are off. I did adjust the gap coordinates and works flawlessly.

General THPS(X) / THUGPro CAP Mod
« on: January 26, 2024, 08:45:15 pm »
Login to download this mod

Make sure to backup updt.dll before replacing. Using Surgeon mod with this CAP mod does more things.

This mod allows you to pass park resize limit than the game allows. Resize park pass 38 x 38 will crash the game. Resizing 37 x 72 is the max but the other side of the park is non-playable zone but more spaces to place pieces. Nuke Park will shift the park floor. Cars has no failed goal after reaching 0:00. Parks with premade size doesn't work like Alcatraz, Hell, THPS3, and THPS4 themes. Park Resize message is resizing park is faster.

CAP Surgeon Mod:

  • Resizing space by 1 step instead of 4
  • Vehicles control type. Will work playing park with cars with people using updt.dll enabled.
  • Increase and decrease goal timer by 1 step
  • Increase park editor bar. This will allow you to resize the park with pieces already placed without having to delete pieces to resize the park. The park bar may show full or how much park space taken up after exiting test play but it's not.

General THPS(X) / Tweaks and Small Improvents to Tony Hawk Tools
« on: September 12, 2023, 03:12:19 pm »
I have been working on tweaking and small improvements to old tools. I took time analyzing and researching carefully. All these tools are respectful to original owners.


Support: THPS3/THPS4/THUG1

I renamed the text "Local/Import Symbols" to "Hex and Scripts".


THUG2 De-Compiler

Support: THUG2/Remix

I modded roq tool layout to make it simple. The combo list of debug and thug1 doesn't work (tested multiple times) and removed prx/pre unpacker because PreTool does better job. This program claim to work THUG2/Pro and Remix scripts flawlessly. THPS3, THPS4, and THUG1 partially works but the scripts comes out corrupted...error instructions.


FNT Tool

Support: THPS4/THUG1/THUG2



Support: THPS4/THUG1/THUG2



Support: THAW

General THPS(X) / THUG Remix Mod (PC and Xbox)
« on: December 10, 2022, 12:13:14 am »
THUG  Remix (PC):

THUG  Remix (Xbox):

  • Everything is unlocked by default
  • Menus rearranged
  • Level Select from Thugplus and polished
  • Level Editor from Thugplus. Cleaned up and organized the list. Objects may crash pending on level.
  • Park memory limit increased to the max, Floating rail by pressing the grab button after placing a rail down, place rails on the ground, and merged pieces (There will be more in the updates)
  • Wallride and Walk are now gap type in Park Editor
  • 8 Observers online
  • 5 sec - 30 min timer gamemode online
  • Switch themes interface online
  • Playlist in sound options online
  • Screen Mode menu
  • Options in park editor test play
  • All cars control type in every level in Goal Editor menu
  • Cheats online
  • And Many More...

Create-A- / Re: Retiring from THUGPro content, and Blender tools rant
« on: August 25, 2022, 06:23:48 pm »
I have planned to retire thugpro too but there things I would like to do before I stop making stuff. I started playing thugpro few months after the mod launched in August 2013. I stopped playing it in 2014. I started to play again in 2017 and stopped again. I came back in 2021 because but this time I build better parks. There are parks things I would like to do before retiring.

I stepped away from thugpro because I don’t have much parks to make. I started working on thug1 because there’s not much stuff from that game.

I joined couple of discord servers that I don’t really care for because there are some projects I’m following and after mod comes out and complete…I leave the server because I got a mod I want to get. I joined a Luigi’s mansion modding discord server because I was following a project I would like to have. After the mod came out, I left the server because I don’t want to be involved talking to people. Staffs don’t mind people joining and leaving a server. You don’t have to stay in a server. That’s your decision if you want to stay or leave the servers.

Most projects and documents are now in community discord servers nowadays. Years ago before discord, people use to post in forums.

You are always welcome back to the community.

Create-A- / THUG Pro Cars Menu Mod
« on: June 29, 2022, 06:37:54 pm »
This mod only add cars menu for online only. People can't see what car model you're driving.

Car mod folder: disable update file and modded thugpro_qb.prx file

Original folder: auto update file and normal thugpro_qb.prx file

General THPS(X) / [Guide] How to Install Tony Hawk's Underground PC
« on: November 18, 2019, 03:31:10 pm »
This is a complete guide how to install THUG1.

Things you need:

Step 1: Open 7zip and Click on "THUG_1.mdf"

Step 2: Make a new folder on desktop and drag everything to the folder

Step 3: Go to "Setup>rsrc" folder and replace THUGCK.dll

Step 4: Click on "Setup.exe"

General THPS(X) / THPS3, THUG, THUG2, and THAW (Original + OpenSpy)
« on: November 08, 2019, 03:52:16 pm »
These apps has OpenSpy service without mods. Close to original versions.

Pages: 1