The fifth installment in the Community Soundtrack series! Sorry for the delay, but it is finally here. Songs from all around the world from the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Serbia, South Korea, Sweden, United States, and Wales!
Special thanks to everyone who submiited songs! I understand that this one was a bit more challenging to choose songs for. I can tell that some of you were really digging with your suggestions. Even I was struggling a bit to choose songs. I promise that the next community soundtrack will be easier and more fun to choose songs for!
Get ready to shred around the world to the sounds of Plastic Bertrand, Ekhymosis, Black Midi, Sabaton, Ash, The HU, Soulwax, Steriogram, and MORE!!!?!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 03:41:32 am by ShOscar »
Ever seen a Pichu that can do 120 down the freeway?