Custom Level Megapack! Spring 2022

by: beastiethumbs

Uploaded: 3/18/2022

Custom Level Megapack. 80 custom levels- simply copy the 'User' folder to your 'Appdata>Local>ThugPro' folder. Make sure to back up before making changes! Credits to authors. peace
Rated 5/5 from 2 total votes


(3/27/2022) thekaio123: Rated 5/5: Thanks
(3/18/2022) CrBo: Rated 5/5: THX M8 Awesome!!
(3/18/2022) beastiethumbs: The file size exceeded the upload max, so i uploaded the megapack to my Google Drive. this vault upload is the link to access the Google Drive folder which has the megapack. simply unzip the .7z and follow the link, download and enjoy! peace