- => General THPS(X) => Topic started by: SK8.William on December 06, 2015, 09:22:07 pm
I have picked up all the THUG1 songs here and i decided to share them in THPSx! ;D Here is the link to it
To use it,you have to go to THUG2 Data > Streams > Bik,look for a song file name (example: 89asd44) and pick the song you want to overwrite with.Then,change the name of the official song to 89asd44 (2) and rename the song you want to listen to 89asd44.After this,go to THUG2 and look for the song you have substituted,and press the button to see if it worked.
Brought to you by SK8.William
Cool man, Thanks!
In thug2 data or thug pro data? :)
In thug2 data.The location for all the songs are there ;D