
- => Create-A- => Topic started by: sk8ace on February 10, 2017, 06:28:42 pm

Title: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: sk8ace on February 10, 2017, 06:28:42 pm
Level options are almost unlimited now. Not everyone is going to get into making their own level. I figure we can start this thread so people can post up their ideas for custom levels.

1: Puzzle levels.
2: Racing levels.
3: Movie themed.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: thedodeman on February 10, 2017, 06:55:59 pm
I know some are in the works, but what about porting over the missing THPS1 levels? Also would love to see some Proving Ground levels moved. Don't even know if those are possible, but would be sweet!
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: ShutMeUp! on February 10, 2017, 07:09:29 pm
Well, assets from Proving Ground could be imported by extracting them directly from an emuparadise .iso, right?

I really hope so. :T
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Sattan on February 10, 2017, 08:06:24 pm
the 5 or 6 skateparks scattered around GTA5. or more 3d era GTA maps, someone got the first GTA3 island to work but  honestly i think the game might be able to handle the whole thing. would take ages to map all rail nodes though.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Soaring Wings on February 10, 2017, 08:25:37 pm
This isnt really a request. But I plan on making a THUGPRO level to represent the city of Koln.

When I visited Koln back in November I kept thinking to my self. "These Courtyards, Cathedrals, Bridges, Parks, and Stairs would be able to be easily represented as a THUGPRO level.

I will draw some concept art later. But Think of the level as having the crazy spine-transfers that New Orleans has, the height variation of Manhattan, The Boxed in feeling that School 2 has, and it will be close to the size of San Deigo/Atlanta.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Chanka on February 11, 2017, 06:59:36 pm
This isn't exactly ideal but the maps from THPS3 and THPS4 on PS1/N64 might be intresting.

Also, freaking Jet Set Radio levels would be sick.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Sattan on February 11, 2017, 08:17:07 pm
This isn't exactly ideal but the maps from THPS3 and THPS4 on PS1/N64 might be intresting.

Also, freaking Jet Set Radio levels would be sick.

i agree on JSR and JSRF. the hub level in JSRF in particular would play pretty well in this. if i can find the models ill take a swing at it, im still learning all of this though.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: mwb37 on February 12, 2017, 09:40:45 am
Someone could port the levels from Extreme Boards and Blades, and Boards and Blades 2.  Both games were published by Activision.  The first game actually predates Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.  They were both pretty awful games though.

The Skateboard Park Tycoon games were also published by Activision.  In those games you create the parks yourself though, and actual skating is only part of it.  The most recent one was released in 2003.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Chatter on February 12, 2017, 01:36:14 pm
The Skateboard Park Tycoon games were also published by Activision.  In those games you create the parks yourself though, and actual skating is only part of it.  The most recent one was released in 2003.

I remember those games. I played one of them and it was kinda fun, but the tycoon part was not the best and the skating was really goofy.

As for requests, I'd like to see the missing ps1, ps2 and ps2x levels.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Sattan on February 12, 2017, 07:29:36 pm
The Skateboard Park Tycoon games were also published by Activision.  In those games you create the parks yourself though, and actual skating is only part of it.  The most recent one was released in 2003.

I remember those games. I played one of them and it was kinda fun, but the tycoon part was not the best and the skating was really goofy.

As for requests, I'd like to see the missing ps1, ps2 and ps2x levels.

someone in the discord posted a screenie of London Club a day or two ago, so 2x levels are being toyed with. so stoked for London Club though, its one of the most underappreciated levels in the series imo.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Hotbox on February 12, 2017, 10:35:56 pm
any level from Spyro would be dope lol
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: DrButtGhost on February 15, 2017, 10:46:50 am
I'd love to see more of the levels from 2x, THAW, and Disney Extreme Skate Adventure. Also the Big Shell level from the Evolution Skateboarding demo in MGS2 would be great.

Also, just for shits and giggles I'd love to see the Cradle from Goldeneye Source.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: kamer1337 on February 18, 2017, 04:17:24 pm
what about tony hawks downhill jam levels
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Squilliam on February 19, 2017, 09:27:22 pm
I would really love to see THPS1 The Mall, even if just as a custom level!

Call me crazy but I'm thinking like Crash Bandicoot levels with rails added, like the side-scrolling platformer aspect.
I mean kinda like the downhill level ideas, continually advancing through the level.
And the death pits are probably fun obstacles.

I'd like to see some classic levels/maps everyone knows but with obvious and non-obvious skatepark/thps additions.
For instance, like a Halo DM map with obvious additions to make it a skatepark.
I say this because I thought the DUST custom level was awesome but obviously it is not designed to be skated.  I think it would be way more fun and people will not really care that it is not the same "exact" map.

I'm just thinking what is already 3D mapped that is easy to integrate here, videogames obviously.
Is there anyway to link this with google maps/earth?
That would be mind blown to skate my own neighborhood / favorite skate spot etc.
I don't know anything about 3D modelling so forgive me if this is dumb.

Can you just cut and paste different parts of THPS levels together?
I don't know for specifics but kinda like that one CAP tried to do, but this time it will be real.
Just for an experiment what about like taking THPS1 Warehouse and opening the wall to the left like in THUG2 Training level and just open it into like School or any other level for testing/fun purposes.

I'm just gonna throw some games out there for the sake of ideas:
-Medal of Honor (c'mon you wanna skate Normandy beach dday from frontline and grind the machine gun nests! Don't Lie!!)
-Donkey Kong 64
-Super Smash Bros? (some of the 1p levels too?)
-Morrowind (Balmora, Seyda Neen, Vivec, Ashlands etc etc)
-Tomb Raider's Mansion from Tomb Raider III (I think?)
-DOOM first level (not real 3D I know, so maybe not :[ ....)
-GTAs/TrueCrimes must have tons of 3D city maps
-Resident Evil (am I hi???)
-More FPS DM Maps (007's, Quake, Unreal, COD, Halo, CS, TIMESPLITTERS?????)
-Silent Hill (hi indeed)
-Aggressive Inline/JetSetRadio/MatHoffman/ATV/Motocross (check MX Freakstyle)
-CTR (crash team racing)
-Mario Karts (wii, double dash)
-Mario Party boards? like the over world game board map, not in minigame

I support 100% anything that is easiest and fastest for more content.
I kinda get it though, newer is easier probably but not so legal...

just my 2 cents
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Squilliam on February 19, 2017, 09:29:31 pm
oh yeah and THPS2x levels! I agree with that
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: EvilAsh123 on February 21, 2017, 02:50:57 am
2x levels are almost finished. All that is left with 2x levels is subway, and a little bit of bug testing for the other ones. 2x Tampa won't be included, since it's basically already in thug pro. Might include Minneapolis, New York, and crane drop, since they are half done anyway. Crane drop only needs alpha set up on some textures, and teams, ctf, and koth. New York has verts set up, and oob nodes, and that's it. Minneapolis has verts set up too.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: EvilAsh123 on February 21, 2017, 02:54:24 am
And yes, I am the one called GoFundUrself on thug pro and ThatBronyVA13 on Discord. Me and TomoAlien are the ones working on fixing up the 2x levels
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Chad Morgan on February 21, 2017, 12:24:35 pm
It'd be nice if you guys replaced the pro skater three levels from thug and thug 2 with the xbox version for the added ambient npc chatter and ambience and better textures, same for the other classic levels from thug and thug2 with their 2x counterparts for the better textures and ambience.  At least just replace the textures, the thug and thug2 and thaw level textures are worse than the xbox version.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Skater1014 on February 21, 2017, 12:25:32 pm
And yes, I am the one called GoFundUrself on thug pro and ThatBronyVA13 on Discord. Me and TomoAlien are the ones working on fixing up the 2x levels
I also helped them test Skylines & Club.
They actually play pretty well in THUGPRO.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: temp on February 23, 2017, 02:12:53 am
maybe get ps2 getaway map. And this map ratchet and clank from ps2 -->   Skip to 17:40.
Title: Thes KH themes are full Square Enix, no disney themes.
Post by: ShutMeUp! on February 25, 2017, 02:40:05 pm
Now this isn't exactly a request but i was thinking.. Does porting models to the game also works for CAP?
Imagine porting the missing THUG1/THPS4/THPS3/THPG/etc objects to THUG Pro!

Also new themes, i can almost imagine an user-ported CAP background.
Ones i'd like to see are Traverse Town and Hollow Bastion, MAYBE Twilight Town all from Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain Of Memories and the ones from THPS3 PS1, also with a few new objects from these themes like a grindable crate, an air boosting thingy, Natas Spin-able sphere (whatever that was), ground decorations, logo billboards and many others!

But i can dream.. :l
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Neversoft on February 25, 2017, 03:37:50 pm
I'm a big Twisted Metal fan and I'd love to have a skate-able level from any of them tho Quake Zone Rumble from Twisted Metal 2 (PSX) would be my top pick.

Side Node: I heard that "The Ruins" from Tony Hawk's American Wasteland is based off of Twisted Metal Black's level design, don't know if thats true but I can see why people would think that. XD lol
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: SoulStorm64 on February 25, 2017, 07:42:27 pm
As a suggestion what about the levels from Razor Freestyle Scooter, i can try and see to get the VRML of the level and clean it up from the n64 version but this level in particular would be nice in Thug pro (
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: ayylmao on February 28, 2017, 12:14:52 pm
skate 3 megapark?
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Chatter on March 02, 2017, 04:06:42 pm
Any idea when more custom features will be possible? Such as:
Moving objects, traffic, peds, gaps, everything that make the levels fully complete, like real levels.

I'm not sure if or how this can be possible, but I think it would enhance creation to the max.

The levels feel a little bit dead, without personality, without these features.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: %.gone. on March 02, 2017, 04:12:01 pm
You can script that stuff in now. Seems no one cares to look any deeper into this.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: dlove4u2 on March 06, 2017, 12:11:18 pm
I would like to see:
Go Go Hypergrind and Simpsons Skateboarding.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: skatefilter5 on March 08, 2017, 01:48:05 pm
How about Art Gallery, from EA Skate that as double-loops that was use for Skate 3 DLC but if you want to remake realistic skatepark, but can someone remake this level I never played EA Skate for a long-time since my PS3 is smashed.

Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Sattan on March 08, 2017, 04:19:04 pm
I would like to see:
Go Go Hypergrind and Simpsons Skateboarding.

how about Yanya Caballista City Skater if were gonna break into the really obscure titles?

Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Dolt on March 17, 2017, 04:09:35 pm
I'd love to see some Aggressive Inline levels from the PS2 game. I never played it personally but I remember someone putting it in their thps videos waaaay back when.

Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 22, 2017, 02:50:23 am
Level options are almost unlimited now. Not everyone is going to get into making their own level. I figure we can start this thread so people can post up their ideas for custom levels.

1: Puzzle levels.
2: Racing levels.
3: Movie themed.

Honestly ace... If I begin to make a level, using Blender or what not... I will hate making it. I hate making things in a 3D plane-scape because it is SO GOD DAMN DIFFICULT TO DO ANYTHING QUICKLY. UGH. That is why I liked the Create a Park. It made it extremely simple to just carve out at least SOMEWHAT of a representation of what I wanted to make.

I just.... kept running out of room, and the amount of pieces you could put in a level was SEVERELY LIMITED. That was my biggest problem with the C-a-P. But being able to create your own levels? I think there is one way I could help out. At least with some ideas. I have several spots that I can take pictures of in the real world, where I live, that I swear.... if it was in a Tony Hawk Pro Skater level. people would love tricking off of it.

There is one spot that I was trying to recreate in the C-a-P that I used to maintain back in 2014. And this spot is like a street skaters dream set up. here is the geo location of where I found this spot. 39.592299, -104.864254

Put that into google maps and what you will find is a spot on a map located in a small business park. And honestly this entire front side has A LOT going on. if you visit it in real life you will see what I mean. It belongs in a tony hawk game. That is something that I would re-create in a level.

It is a split level parking area. if you look at it in 3d you'll see how high up the building is compared to the parking area the farther you go up north on that side of the building. Then at the far north you have some wooden posts kind of splitting off the hill in between the two stair cases. And that little drainage ditch located near the south end? Those walkways are actually small bridges. And if you could do an ollie about 3 feet into the air you could clear over those gaps with ease. At least one of the bridges is very low. The second one is a bit higher up.

I tried recreating this in THUG PRO. But I don't have enough space to properly recreate this entire front.

I will try recreating it again and post it up for you.
Title: Just using my own quote to quote a spoiler.
Post by: ShutMeUp! on March 22, 2017, 09:21:12 am
I tried recreating this in THUG PRO. But I don't have enough space to properly recreate this entire front.

I will try recreating it again and post it up for you.

Also, a bit unrelated but now that we're talking about CAPs, i'd like to give a shoutout to an specific post from thmods that could be useful for CAP makers. Shoutout goes to DeGenerator for this.
Quote from: DeGenerator
I don't know if you people already know about this, but you can make a 56x56 park without problems, it won't consume memory. There is no difference between 8x8 map and 56x56 in create a park mode. Yes, you heard it right.This tutorial will show you how to clearly see what each piece is consuming from your park. Please avoid the standard limit bar, don't take it too seriously unless you follow this tutorial.First, I want you to make those steps ingame now while you are reading this tutorial. ? Put your map in 8x8 and place a generic Quarter Pipe. It will consume a lot. But if you put this same QP in a 56x56 map, it won't consume. That's because this is a fake bar on 56x56. The real limit bar is showed in a 8x8 map. ( ( ( Then you will imagine a 8x8 limit bar in a 56x56 map. It's difficult, so all you have to do is raise up some blocks (or you can call it walls) in a corner of the map that you won't place objects in a indefinite moment. Only 1 unit is enough. ( ( ( If you make this a few times, you will notice that in a moment the limit bar will start to move. It's because the REAL 8x8 limit bar exceeded the 56x56 fake limit bar and for now you will only notice the bar increasing. In this moment you can see the real consume of each object of the park editor. So, when you need more space, just raise down some blocks and keep doing it to see always how much the objects will consume. That explains why 8x8 and 56x56 don't have differences in consumption of memory space. Yes, all this time the limit bar was trolling you.There are exceptions for this tip, dynamic props like green window, crate etc. Do not use it until you finish the level, because they will consume a lot, and don't matter if you are raising walls or not, When the map is filled with objects, they start to low-consume memory, so only at this time you will start to put dynamic objects.
Thank DeGenerator from THMods, not me!
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 23, 2017, 03:40:00 am
I know. I have been dealing with C-a-P limitations for a long time. Its just... if you want to make something complex in the C-a-P it has a hissy fit. But I just downloaded blender... and I am going to figure out how to create my own park. And hopefully it won't be as blocky as what I remember learning in a separate 3dS max class I took over 8 years ago.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: ShutMeUp! on March 25, 2017, 03:02:36 pm
Oh, well, i wish ya luck with it, Con-Sept! e_e
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Konata Inoue on March 30, 2017, 01:39:23 pm
I have a ton of models, As well as the ability to make my own meshes. So I'd be more than happy to upload some meshes of mine/that are taken from other games.

I just really hope the Thugpro DEV team adds a vehicle menu, That'll certainly give alot more purpose to a few of the maps I have. Speaking of which, Would be able to replace the AI driven vehicles around the maps?
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: LC-DDM on April 16, 2017, 08:04:00 pm
Hm. Perhaps both skateparks from Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon fused into one level could be an idea? The portal doors from both the Sunny Villa skatepark and the Enchanted Towers skatepark could be a teleport of sorts between each of the levels, or a small, custom-crafted tunnel could be made to link them both together and keep the transition seamless. I know that there's some way to get the models off of Spyro World Viewer, since I remember one of the threads in this forum displayed the Sunrise Spring level being ported in its most basic, non-THUGPRO-optimized form.

For those not in the know, these are what the two Spyro 3 skateparks look like. This footage is from the 1.0 version of the game:

The rest of these choices are merely options in the form of pipe dreams, since I don't know how far along people are in terms of ripping these stage models.

* Dracula's Castle, or other levels - Evolution Skateboarding → I feel that this game has potential for a lot of content for THUGPRO. You also get Simon Belmont as a skater in this game, so, y'know, extra fun! But... maybe not have the Spider or Dracula boss battles.

* Board Park - Cool Boarders 2 → Probably the only level in this game that I feel wouldn't clash too much with THUGPRO's gameplay. It's downhill, but it also has a lot of tricking capabilities. Footage is from a European Demo of the game, hence the 2-minute time limit.

I'd also take the chance to make a few character model requests, but that'd be best for its own thread.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: BlazE on April 16, 2017, 08:14:58 pm
Hm. Perhaps both skateparks from Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon fused into one level could be an idea? The portal doors from both the Sunny Villa skatepark and the Enchanted Towers skatepark could be a teleport of sorts between each of the levels, or a small, custom-crafted tunnel could be made to link them both together and keep the transition seamless. I know that there's some way to get the models off of Spyro World Viewer, since I remember one of the threads in this forum displayed the Sunrise Spring level being ported in its most basic, non-THUGPRO-optimized form.

For those not in the know, these are what the two Spyro 3 skateparks look like. This footage is from the 1.0 version of the game:

The rest of these choices are merely options in the form of pipe dreams, since I don't know how far along people are in terms of ripping these stage models.

* Dracula's Castle, or other levels - Evolution Skateboarding → I feel that this game has potential for a lot of content for THUGPRO. You also get Simon Belmont as a skater in this game, so, y'know, extra fun! But... maybe not have the Spider or Dracula boss battles.

* Board Park - Cool Boarders 2 → Probably the only level in this game that I feel wouldn't clash too much with THUGPRO's gameplay. It's downhill, but it also has a lot of tricking capabilities. Footage is from a European Demo of the game, hence the 2-minute time limit.

I'd also take the chance to make a few character model requests, but that'd be best for its own thread.

Dude Spyro was the shit. I would love to see this done.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Thunchester on April 16, 2017, 09:05:05 pm
Hm. Perhaps both skateparks from Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon fused into one level could be an idea? The portal doors from both the Sunny Villa skatepark and the Enchanted Towers skatepark could be a teleport of sorts between each of the levels, or a small, custom-crafted tunnel could be made to link them both together and keep the transition seamless. I know that there's some way to get the models off of Spyro World Viewer, since I remember one of the threads in this forum displayed the Sunrise Spring level being ported in its most basic, non-THUGPRO-optimized form.

For those not in the know, these are what the two Spyro 3 skateparks look like. This footage is from the 1.0 version of the game:

The rest of these choices are merely options in the form of pipe dreams, since I don't know how far along people are in terms of ripping these stage models.

* Dracula's Castle, or other levels - Evolution Skateboarding → I feel that this game has potential for a lot of content for THUGPRO. You also get Simon Belmont as a skater in this game, so, y'know, extra fun! But... maybe not have the Spider or Dracula boss battles.

* Board Park - Cool Boarders 2 → Probably the only level in this game that I feel wouldn't clash too much with THUGPRO's gameplay. It's downhill, but it also has a lot of tricking capabilities. Footage is from a European Demo of the game, hence the 2-minute time limit.

I'd also take the chance to make a few character model requests, but that'd be best for its own thread.

Just as a small suggestion to whoever tries the Spyro Park out, might wanna remove the poles from Sunny Villa and put something grindable. The skateboarding on Spyro was literally Spyro twisting himself about, so... y'know.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: The_Con-Sept on April 17, 2017, 08:21:43 am
I think i am going to do a haunted house style map.

Not based on any movie or other video game title. I'd rather create one scary ass level. And scare skaters psychologically.

I am pretty sure i could create the foundation. But coding in events to happen will take time. I think i will pass up new mexico and do it at another time.
Title: Re: Custom Level Ideas/requests?
Post by: Zeoalexo on July 02, 2017, 08:18:41 pm
i think it'd be cool if levels from aggressive inline, dave mirra freestyle bmx 1 & 2, and mat hoffman's pro bmx 1 & 2 were ported and organized under misc levels.

I wanna levels like Camp Woodward, Movie Lot, the zoo (from Aggressive Inline), Galloon water park, venice, italy, greenville, etc implemented.

Also, is there any way to allow access to the arcade part of santa cruz?