- => Questions & Tutorials => Topic started by: Chatter on September 09, 2016, 11:30:13 am
Hello THPS community! What would you think of a park creating contest? Where we have a few hosts/judges of the tournament, who will assign a certain theme for a park, a given time, and possibly additional rules.
It could be a cool boost for creativity and bring us together as a community in more ways, it could also be cool for people who can't play well, but still like editing and creating. I don't think I should host this, since I'm not very organised or good at these things, but I would defenitely participate!
Contestants could show their park through screenshots or video, and maybe even do amazing combo's in the parks.
Maybe the winner can get the CaP shared somewhere, that could be a cool prize.
If anyone thinks this a good idea and could host, that would be very cool! Leave suggestions/feedback here if you want.
How about a comp "just for fun", no need to reward with anything but a shoutout! e_e
TY for the feedback, I don't mind how it will be done, if anyone likes to do it, it just sounded like a cool idea to me and it might inspire someone to actually make a contest like this. :)
Awesome.I thought of doing this before,i even have the "standings" board from Slam City Jam.I'm not sure i'll participate in it though,since i'm playing more RTS than THUGPro :)
RTS as in Real Time Strategy? Those games are interesting indeed. You dont really need to be a hardcore thugpro player for a contest like this, you could just create a fun simple park and possibly do well, I think it would be fairly accessible to anyone who has thugpro, or even another TH game.
Can anyone think of a few themes the hosts/judges could do?
One I thought of was "parks from other games", inspires by Sattan who made the GTA SA skatepark in CaP
We could help out with this. I can make a special upload/download area on the site where contest parks can be added. Have to make an official forum thread where people can vote.
That sounds like fun.
I think we should judge our parks in several categories.
Best Overall
Best to Skate on
Best looking
Best RP park
I took a screenshot of this image in SCJ months ago in case i wanted to start a contest...
Can anyone think of a few themes the hosts/judges could do?
One I thought of was "parks from other games", inspires by Sattan who made the GTA SA skatepark in CaP
How about...
- Real-Life Locations Theme
- THPS Remakes Theme
- Original Parks Theme
- Creative Parks Theme
- Skatepark Theme
- City Themes
These are just some i thought of, feel free to use/edit/rate those if you wish! :T
We could help out with this. I can make a special upload/download area on the site where contest parks can be added. Have to make an official forum thread where people can vote.
Or how about a sub-forum on the "-" (Aka the main, the unnamed) section, something like "Contests", people upload their parks within a week and then we use a poll to vote!
Or maybe you could somehow implement a system that allows to vote for the 4 (non-skate)filters quoted below. e_e
That sounds like fun.
I think we should judge our parks in several categories.
Best Overall
Best to Skate on
Best looking
Best RP park
Agreed! These would make a good voting system, we can have 4 winners, right? :P
I took a screenshot of this image in SCJ months ago in case i wanted to start a contest...
Might help, tho i dunno how it works, mind explaining me? e_e'
You guys are a great community!
@Sk8ace, a thread for this and an upload box would be great, maybe you could host the first contest. I would definitely be happy with that.
@others, thanks for all ideas, I hope you all will participate (or become judge) for the contest whenever it becomes reality. I'm pretty excited so far.
I took a screenshot of this image in SCJ months ago in case i wanted to start a contest...
Might help, tho i dunno how it works, mind explaining me? e_e'
This was quick-made just to make an example,so if anyone wants this image for the contest,please edit it,but not using Paint :)
Actually, if you're a Paint (;u=39) veteran, you can use it, lol
But hey, this seems like an interesting leaderboard, if we use appropiate editing and a nice font, maybe we could do a nice-looking leaderboard! :D
Do entry's need to be made for the contest or can we enter previously made parks?
I think making new ones would be more fair or fun, but we can't really check and be 100% sure of someone, I dont think I'd mind in the end.
sounds good m8
My creative mind was thinking about THUGPro today (again, as usual). And I came up with an expanded idea for this!
My idea was to make this contest 3 parts/3 weeks.
Week 1 would be the park creator itself, making the park, and the judges pick the best one. This is what we had so far anyways.
Now here comes week 2, were it gets expanded.
Week 2, the winner of week 1 joins the judges, and the participants (new participants allowed) make the best goals for the winning park.
There's a few good things you can do with goals, for example SKATE/COMBO letters, and races.
The judges (including winner of week 1) decide who wins week 2.
For week 3, no judges are needed!
My idea for week 3, was to make a competition who could complete all the goals in the fastest time possible! This gives our more skilled (but maybe less creative?) players good candidates for a competition as well.
Whoever reads this, please let me know your thoughts?
I like it! I can't wait to make my first park! :P
Good idea! I hope there can be enough people to join. I think I can as well, so I'll see whenever someone actually does this xD
Okay so (SO FAR) thats Shut, Moose, and me.
1 judge and 2 participants.
Maaayybe I should start to believe in it?
Maybe I should just go for it and host one, it might go terrible, but idk, I want a few more people interested (again) before I lose my insecurities.
Okay so thats Shut, Moose, and me.
1 judge and 2 participants.
Maaayybe I should start to believe in it?
Maybe I should just go for it and host one, it might go terrible, but idk, I want a few more people interested (again) before I lose my insecurities.
Or 3 judges, any participants, does it work for a fair amount of makers sending their stuff? We won't have much participants, anyway, so why lock to 2 participants?
I am not! I actually want as many people as possible, 5-10 would work well.
I never said (or never meant to) lock it at a certain amount of people, anyone is welcome!
I can judge also. I won't be making any parks.
I will work on the contest uploader page.
That sounds good! I can be either judge or participant myself, I'd love either role.
I wouldn't want to host it completely though.
Maybe you can, since you can also make an upload section and you are fine with judging?
Oh, wait, after re-reading, i get it now, oops!!
But you came with the idea, you can host! ;P
I'm bad with hosting, had a couple of not so good experiences with it, but I can try. (Although I'd much rather have a stronger person in this community do it)
This topic was mainly meant for the idea it self, and feedback to that. I never meant to start anything official myself (although I could)
I'm bad with hosting, had a couple of not so good experiences with it, but I can try. (Although I'd much rather have a stronger person in this community do it)
This topic was mainly meant for the idea it self, and feedback to that. I never meant to start anything official myself (although I could)
Come on!! Experience comes through trial and error! :P
Please, give it a try! e_e
uploader is done and added a section to the forums for contests.
You guys need to make up a set of rules/guidelines for CAP makers to follow.
Then we need a start date and an end date for submissions.
Once we have all that, I will make an official post in the new forum section and we can start it.
Anything else?
uploader is done and added a section to the forums for contests.
You guys need to make up a set of rules/guidelines for CAP makers to follow.
Then we need a start date and an end date for submissions.
Once we have all that, I will make an official post in the new forum section and we can start it.
Anything else?
Awesome! A few guidelines from my head to see if i help:
- Be consistent to the theme.
- You may upload only one park per contest
- Please include a preview and at least 2 screenshots of the map.
- Don't be an abusive judge
- Don't ragequit and/or curse at the judges if your map didn't win.
Last one shows how i ran out of ideas.
I agree on needing a specific theme or style.
Judging should have 5 or so categories, each worth 10 points.
stuff like that.
Here is my idea for the first contest:
sk8ace is the (only?) judge (more are welcome IMO). Shut, Moose, me (and hopefully a few others) participate.
We do the 3-week program I suggested earlier in this topic, I thought it was a pretty cool idea. Maybe we need some more time before the first week starts, to gather participants.
Theme idea for the first one is simple, yet effective. City theme.
Judging on:
- Looks & Design
- Playability & potential lines
- Originality & accuracy on theme
- Overall rating
(possible other ratings could be: Clever use of mechanics, Gaps, Whether it's based on something, does it bring anything new, etc)
People can submit their entries with park uploads and screenshots. If possible, video's/commentaries are welcome too.
Other than that, combined with everything else we/I posted, this could make for a doable and hopefully fun contest!
I'm glad with the possibilities, my ideas being taken seriously, people's recommendations, etc.
We could have 4 winners, 4 rewards for each, lol
How about making a "practice" contest, to more or less feel how it works and all, that way, you can change stuff before it's too late!
We could have 4 winners, 4 rewards for each, lol
I'd rather have 4 participants to begin with xD
A practice contest sounds good, idk how it could differ from a regular one, but I did bring all my ideas to the table for contest 1.
Since we can't host topics, I will patiently wait for sk8ace to host!
Idk how it could differ from a regular one, but I did bring all my ideas to the table for contest 1.
It shouldn't, you gotta make as much unintentional mistakes as you can so you know what to do and not to do!
"Experience comes through trial and error."
Contest is live :-)
Lets see those parks!