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An update about me!


Hello all! I've been inactive here for about a year or two, so I thought I'd give you an update on how I'm living, (as if any of you were DYING to know...)  Back in November of last year, I found out to my surprise that I was pregnant! Yes, a mother in her twenties, tragic.. I know. Jokes aside, my then boyfriend of 1.5 years at the time slowly began to show signs of not wanting to have a child, and eventually left me in January. The first half of this year was the worst time of my entire life. I was pregnant, alone, and worked two jobs. I had friends to hang out with, but the feeling of living alone at that time was miserable. In the early morning of August 9, I felt it was happening. I quickly called my friend and had her rush me to the hospital, where I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Charlotte. It was the most stressful day of my life, but I was relieved to finally have my precious baby girl in my arms. Charlotte is very healthy, very cute, and very slobbery. ;D But honestly, I never imagined having a kid in my life, let alone this young!! Soon after her birth, I landed a job working at Cartoon Network Studios in Atlanta! I packed my bags and we moved down to GA. I'm not giving away my position at the company for obvious personal reasons, but what I do is pretty cool. 8) I bought my first house down here and wow, I love it. The past few months have felt like a lifetime, but I'm honestly a completely different person than I was earlier this year. I love my job, I love my daughter, and I love life! Just know that if you're ever in a terrible situation like I was, things can miraculously change for the better out of the blue. (Not great advice, but I digress :-X ) Anyway, I don't see myself coming back here too much in the future, so for now this is goodbye! Thanks for all the great times and I wish you all a great life! <3

Congrats!! Very happy for you. Feel free to come hang out any time if you get the itch :-) 


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