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Does anyone else think that this site should look more like a THPS forum? It kinda looks like a default forum css that you get right when you buy hosting space.

(no offense to the site mods, having a forum is great but it just looks a little "eh")

It is the basic theme. SimpleMachineForums only has a few mobile friendly "Responsive" themes available and this one looked the best. I changed the colors to match the site a bit but left everything else the same. I would love to switch it up but I have to spend some time looking at all the new themes and hopefully find one that suits us. Thanks for the tip! I will do some searching soon.


--- Quote from: sk8ace on January 15, 2016, 05:06:10 pm ---It is the basic theme. SimpleMachineForums only has a few mobile friendly "Responsive" themes available and this one looked the best. I changed the colors to match the site a bit but left everything else the same. I would love to switch it up but I have to spend some time looking at all the new themes and hopefully find one that suits us. Thanks for the tip! I will do some searching soon.

--- End quote ---

Well you could probably just find someone who knows CSS/PHP they could create something that fits the site, instead of just searching for a default one.


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