
- => Create-A- => Topic started by: The_Con-Sept on March 23, 2017, 05:17:56 am

Title: My first level in BLENDER. Screenshot leaked! 04-15-2017.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 23, 2017, 05:17:56 am

Above: First leaked image for forum users of its current progress.

Alright so I am going to be updating this post with my own level that I am going to create from scratch in blender.

Hopefully this will help others to find that it is not really that hard to do.

But the way I am going about making this level is using a paper mache-like method.

A lot of people like using cubes to create levels and rooms much faster. but I am not going to be making a level with a bunch of rooms. This is going to be outdoors. My first level is going to be completely made up in my mind. I am just doing this to get a better feel for the editor. So here goes nothing... quite literally.

As I said I am using a paper mache method. Which means I will be using a lot of subdividing on a single object in blender. What I am going to accomplish first is just making several different elevated areas. That way I can build around it. Or add to it later. But first is laying out the foundation.

(Ace, is there any where on this site that I can upload this blender file as I create it? Or do I need to use a third party upload site to allow others to view my progress in blender?)

Alright... so I can't use the grid object the way I want to so I have to use A GOD DAMN CUBE. UGH.

anyway I subdivided one of its faces and made it so I can sort of create several different buildings... or in this case SQUARES, extrude up as high as I want to. but I want to create a much better testing environment, and have people understand how these values are appropriated. So... I need to create some base values and quickly go inside to test them. I am going to set different squares at different heights until I find a preset number I like. One that represents how high I need to make a wall look about 6 feet. Or enough to represent the side of a house. How high I need to make it so curbs look like curbs, or a curb you can grind on. And so on and so forth. of course I am doing this without collision brushes. it just might not work out in testing the way it should.

Alright in using this editor I can quickly figure out how I should be making levels. because right now, as I am subdividing new squares to set up a basis as to how wide a sidewalk, or street should be, it is adding grind-able lines as I do so. making it difficult to edit this stuff out and such. but I am sure I can iron this out later, or in general just build the level in gray scale first, and then start assigning shit to the objects. Either way I am now creating a test to see how big I need to make certain objects in this world. And I am going to try my best to scale them in a way of which I can quickly identify which square is the correct size. I will also be making a sort of hand rail. or at least something that represents a hand rail IN BLOCKY FORM. The blocky lego goodness!

and the first test? OMG I made a microscopic level!


Alright the spoiler is the venture of something you might as well skip. In the end I messed up everything and didn't even have the correct scale. So.

Follow these steps at the very beginning. This is crucial for creating a new level.

As soon as blender loads up you need to set the scale. And to do this properly make sure your grid lines are visible.

Delete the first cube you have in front of you, and click on the eye ball icons for the camera and the lamp. They aren't needed right now.

You need to set the scale of the grid lines at 20.

In the main window, off and to the top right you should see a little + sign in black. Click it. It should bring up a whole new set of options. One of them should say "Display." In this menu you should see "Grid Floor."

Make sure it is on. You can toggle it off so you can see the difference in the main window. but make sure it is on.

Under Grid Floor you need to set the scale to 20.

Now remember that 4 of these grid floor squares are now set at the correct scale so that 4 of them put together is wide enough for a sidewalk.

And that if you fill up a 4 X 4 X 6 cube it is large enough to box in a human at average height. So now that you have a really good basis of scale, now you need to make the lines stretch out more. 100 lines.

When you make a new cube... you gotta make it to proper scale. At least the way I do it is by making sure the geo location is correct and the scale is tweaked just right.

I got to do this some more tomorrow. making my first actual level? I want to make a New mexico level. A PROPER Albuquerque level. Trust me. I know the skate spots around here. And they are going to be some pretty imaginative ones.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: sk8ace on March 23, 2017, 08:24:42 am
Most likely have to upload to 3rd party site. I haven't tested blend files in the post attachments.

For the correct scale, you should be using the thug scale reference blend file that splinks made (in the custom level tools post). The model in it is exactly the same height as a skater.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 23, 2017, 08:26:12 am
I downloaded that after I tried to skate in my microscopic level. This new info I just posted up should produce the correct scale now. I just don't have enough time to test it right now. But tomorrow I will be taking a little trip to downtown ABQ to take some pictures of these skate spots people have been going to for ages now.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: sk8ace on March 23, 2017, 08:30:16 am
Also, for the grid and spacing, we normally set lines to 500, Scale to 60 and Subdiv to 10.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 23, 2017, 05:50:01 pm
wait... so length is 500 (for a good short rail), scale 60? So we multiply it by 60? or is that the width? The subdivisions I suppose is to make the rail bend?

Anyway today was a shitty day so I couldn't get any snap shots of anything. Seeing how it is shitty, windy, and rainy... just shitty.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: sk8ace on March 24, 2017, 12:49:26 am
I mean't that for the Grid settings.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 26, 2017, 08:52:52 pm
Alright so.... I haven't posted in here for a minute. But I must say I have had quite a few days making stuff in blender for Thug pro. And so far I am getting much better at it. So progress. I am now able to make all kinds of stuff in the right size and the right layout. Now I am just constantly playing what I created and moving on. So. The first level is now going to be called OL.

That is an acronym. For reference as to what the level may be? Think of those large areas where businesses are being operated in cubicles.... That is all for now.

And it is not hard to create levels for THUG pro. It just takes a lot of patience. PATIENCE. So far I have already restarted building my map for the third time. But it is definitely going to be something authentic instead of a port.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: RhCp67 on March 26, 2017, 11:00:37 pm
So if anyone can help me, how can I create custom levels
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on March 29, 2017, 02:40:53 am
You will need blender, the thug tools download, and the updated thug tools pinned in the page... Blender is free. But what is hard to get is those ultra realistic graphics.

If you don't know how to use blender? I suggest getting used to blender for at least a few days before trying to create anything... and make sure you get the scaling correct as sk8ace pointed out above. he uses 60. I use 100. but generally the number of units in the global X Y X tracker is what you should be using.

if you want I can send you my blender file of my created park at its current state, along with the pre's for testing the level out for thug 2 files
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on April 04, 2017, 02:35:12 am
Alright... so progress... the level has the main layout finished. It is going to be the size of... half of new jersey.... unless I feel like making this map bigger. but the next area I am working on is this:,-104.8961629,3a,60y,279.29h,82.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snVgVoAdwPaPrGiQ-JNLXYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

And I am going to make some changes to it to make it more interesting.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: ShutMeUp! on April 04, 2017, 08:04:16 pm
Alright... so progress... the level has the main layout finished. It is going to be the size of... half of new jersey.... unless I feel like making this map bigger. but the next area I am working on is this:,-104.8961629,3a,60y,279.29h,82.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snVgVoAdwPaPrGiQ-JNLXYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 (,-104.8961629,3a,60y,279.29h,82.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snVgVoAdwPaPrGiQ-JNLXYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)

And I am going to make some changes to it to make it more interesting.
I like it how in that google maps link, there's a skyscrapper that looks a lot like the CAP one.
Title: Re: My first level in BLENDER.
Post by: The_Con-Sept on April 15, 2017, 04:27:54 pm
So I have already finished 1/3rd of the map. And I still have yet to add anything in the parking lot below. But I did manage to add in a roundabout. Because in Denver, Colorado... they have millions of round abouts. They aren't as crazy as the one I created, but this roundabout at least has some nice flow to it. It has a few options as far as direction goes and it just kind of strings you along the map quite nicely. now I am working on a light rail station:,-104.869149,63a,35y,286.13h,33.87t/data=!3m1!1e3

I already have the foundation made, but this part of the level is just for visuals really. It's also just an end of the map barrier. Some elements will be skate-able, but for the most part... just stay away from it. That is just 1 out of four sides I have blocked off and I already have an idea as to what one other side will be blocked by: Apartments. Usually apartment complexes are boring, but at least you will be able to explore the map in that area. Anyway back to creating. The scale of this map so far is bigger than Boston (THUG2) but smaller than Manhattan still. I want to make it the size of Atlanta... but I think it is going to be the size of east LA.... if I don't stop trying to add in another part.... and another part... and another... AND ANOTHER. Ah fuck it.. why not just make an entire skate globe at this point?