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Contest Suggestions

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Want to set up a specific contest? Post up your suggestions.

Like Chatter suggested, CAS contents don't sound so bad, but well, CAP ones should be the "main" (Aka what's done the most), IMO.
And also, a Create-A-Trick contest could work too. I have some ideas for themes.


* Bigspins (I love these!)
* 900
* Realistic
* Pro
* Flips
* Funny ones

* Christmas
* Real People
* Cartoon Characters (dlove4u2 winning confirmed)
* Pro Skaters not in the game
* Hilariously made CASes (mainly for the laughs)
* Fucked up existing characters (Not to be confused with the one above, more like the "iconic" Erik Sporro, fucked up existing models on the game)
* Remakes
* Characters from other games
* Skatefilter's deleted original CASes (Man, it's so hard to resist..)

I have a few suggestions, I will start with one that seems quite obvious and shouldn't be hard to do.

Make a page/topic/download thing for previous contest entries!
I think it would be amazing if people could easily find and download contest entries, especially winning entries. Right now, there is actually no public way to get them anymore..

Suggestions for general contest ideas:
-CaP,CaS,CaT, all of that, of course. I'm not particularly good with themes, but to me, they don't matter much. Making stuff is always cool.
-Other things I've suggested, like Speedrun, Prov, Whore/Robot, etc.

More specific ideas:
-A style competition.

Each contestant makes a 1/2/3 minute montage of tricks that are cool to look at, cool trick combinations, satisfying lines, etc. Points don't matter.
Bonus points for originality and using custom parks, with CaPs you can make a lot of cool gaps and lines that are fun to look at.

-A rapping competition. (rapping as in music? What? Yep!)

Rap over (a remix of) the THPS1/2/3 main theme, using custom lyrics. Inspire your lyrics with THPS/THUG related terms and such.
An example of this being done before is the Pok

Well, im not exactly very against whoring/prov challenges but any ps2 legend joins and the fun would be ruined for the newbies, just saying.


--- Quote from: ShutMeUp! on November 16, 2016, 01:27:51 pm ---Well, im not exactly very against whoring/prov challenges but any ps2 legend joins and the fun would be ruined for the newbies, just saying.

--- End quote ---

I get where you're coming from with this. I wouldn't care about those 2 contest types too much, but they're the ones that can get some attention.

Another contest types:
Mazes: Make a maze like map in CaP for people to go through, whoever uploads a vid with their best time wins.
Goal attack.
Specific lines: Whoever is able to land a certain line, can win the contest, or whoever makes it furthest in a line. The host decides the line, of course.


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