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Fallout 4


Has anyone else been playing Fallout 4? I've played about 18 hours so far and I'm already level 42.

I will buy the game when the GOTY edition comes out. Until then I need to get a better computer. Which is something I have been saying for 3 years in a row now. I just don't make enough money.


--- Quote from: The_Con-Sept on November 20, 2015, 03:32:15 am ---I will buy the game when the GOTY edition comes out. Until then I need to get a better computer. Which is something I have been saying for 3 years in a row now. I just don't make enough money.

--- End quote ---
I ended up upgrading my graphics card to a GTX 960 just for Fallout 4, it was definitely worth it.


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